Chapter Two

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Please refer Aiko's appearance to Slaine's, from Aldnoah.Zero, appearance. Thank you



Kaien looked at you and shoved it into your arms. "Yes, yes! You and Aiko do have to wear them if you want to fit in," he explained.

You glanced at Aiko who had disappeared ten minutes ago. He was dressed up. It suited him -- a whole lot than you thought. "Oh. It fits you, Iko-kun!" you cheered. 

Aiko flashed his head towards and covered his mouth. His whole face was a red blur. "T-t-thank you, Y/N-sama..." he muttered underneath his silk-covered hands. You smiled and clenched your set of clothes closer to your chest.

"Oh," he said, "I'm sure that those will suit you too."

"I'm glad," you whispered. "I just hope he doesn't get too surprised. After all, it's been a few thousand years..."

Aiko placed his hand on your shoulder. "It will be okay," he assured. 

You smiled softly with a light chuckle. "Yeah... Hopefully, it will."

He nodded. "I will be waiting outside the door. Please alert me if anything bad occurs," he said as he ambled across the room.

"Thank you," you said, as he closed the door shut.

"So, Y/N, who is that boy?" Kaien asked with a grin.

You sighed. "He's a boy I picked up from America. Interesting child, right?" you added.

"Yes, an interesting child he is. Your mother stopped by a few months ago. Have you heard?" he asked.

You frowned. "Unfortunately, yes. I'm not mad at Kaname, however. He did what he had to do..."

Kaien huffed out, "You are a quite gullible girl."

You laughed softly. "Only for him, yes," you said. "After some time in America, I always dreamt what it was like to run in his arms. The warmth he had was uncomparable..."

He nodded. "Alright! Your dorm number is in the fourth room. Lucky you, you have no roommate. If you want one, then contact me. Okay, Lady Kuran?" he announced as he rushed the keys into your arms.

"Ha, yes! Excuse me. I will go change," you said.

Kaien pushed you toward the door. "See you later!" he cheered, slamming the door shut in your face. You blinked and looked around for Aiko.

You found Aiko leaning against the wall; his eyes closed and his arms crossed. You smiled at the sight. He's such a pretty boy...

"Iko-kun," you whispered, afraid that you might startle him. His eyelids flung open and he caught your gaze. Aiko fixed his posture and bowed at your presence.

"Y/N-sama, are you ready?" asked Aiko.

"Yeah," you said, "I am."

"Then let's go," he cheered, picking up your brief case.

You two walked across the bridge until you found the Moon Dormitory. Both of you searched for your room. Finally, you saw the large wooden doors. "This is your room," Aiko explained.

You smiled at him as you walked through the door silently. The room was not too small yet not too big. It was perfect. There was two windows and two twin beds. You figured that you would push them together later.

You walked to the center and began to strip. You slipped into the uniform and knee-high socks. You kicked off your boots and chucked your feet into the loafers. You beamed to yourself and posed in front of the mirror.

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