Letter to Death

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I know your secret.

You see, a little girl loved me once. She was my daughter. Long before I wrote to you, this little girl had already written to Love and Time and she let me see and feel everything they taught her. Love and Time shared a secret with her and she shared it with me. But you know already don't you? You must know.

She was seven when you claimed her. You took her from me but understand this: you don't have her. I do. I always will. From the day she was born I would love her forever and there was nothing you could have done about it. The moment I saw her eyes looking back at me I knew I would love her yesterday, today and tomorrow, all at once. This was the gift Love and Time gave her and she in turn gave me.

Sometimes people believe you wish you were different; you wish you were more. Oh, you wish you were a period, maybe even an exclamation point! But you are just a pause, dear Death; a mere comma in the story of Love and Time.

You may not remember this but we have met before. I was a police officer for many years; I saw you often or at least witnessed what you left behind in passing. But I didn't understand you then like I do now. I didn't hate you, nor was I scared of you. You were part of my job; you held no meaning for me.

But then she came along and loved me. She changed everything. She made everything more.

And don't think I didn't see you all those long days in the hospital. I watched you lurking and I was angry. But she taught me I shouldn't feel that way. She told me that in her letters to Love and Time she learned you were necessary. You give meaning to Time. Did you know this about yourself? You make Time the precious thing it is. And in that preciousness you make Love possible. And in that Love you become a mere small pause in a never-ending story. It took me a while to understand what she meant.

I know now, for she is still within me. I loved her all the days of her life and by the time you come for me I will have loved her all the days of my life. Love has made sure of this already, and is just waiting for Time to catch up.

That is your secret; the thing few people know about you. You aren't something to be afraid of - if one finds Love and cherishes Time. You make them precious, and in turn they make you the mere fleeting thing you are. They bring you (Death) right back to your own front door. Those who know this will always live forever.

This will be my one and only letter to you Death. I don't hate you. I am not afraid of you anymore. And thank you for letting Time keep her as long as it did. Love is still here and will always be with me, Time will make sure of that.

I'm certain I'll see you around at least once more in this life of mine. It's going to be okay.

It's going to be okay because a little seven year old girl loved me once.

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