Day three :woke up dab man

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Then Tate ran to the basketball as fast as he can and then kian ran to the oval and did not see Tate. After that Tate went to the play ground but then the bell rang

So they all went inside there next class Wass art  and in art the teacher Wass really strict and besides they were in the same class.when they sat down the teacher said today you are going to make a robot she said but then a smart person in are class then said "isan't that is for technology not art and that boy was named the baby oil boy ....... Jk it was only a joke no his real name was stubborn I know that's a word but really that's his name even almost everyone said you are stubborn but we do not say that to him all are friends d not du that back to the class  the teacher  said ok now be quiet stubborn shhhh after 28 minutes later when class ended  they got to there lockers and packed there bags Kian and Tate went to the drive through  and sat on a bench then Tate realised that Jackson said he was 😯😯⛹🏽🎧🎯 going to the drive through but then Jackson just jumped in front of us and then he said hi guys I was late to come out because are history teacher  dismissed us late but then Tate's car came so they had to go also Kian was coming plus having a sleep over at Tate's place when it was night they kept a secret from Tate' s dad they were going to play video games when they were playing Kian fell asleep. Next morning Tate and his family/mum and dad, were already awake and eating but Kian was still asleep and did not know that they were eating like 10 minutes after Kian was awake and he saw Tate already finish then Tate said huh. be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2017 ⏰

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