Dear Andrea

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Dear Andrea,

             I miss you. I wish I got to see you more often. And the boys too. I know it's not exactly my place to say this, but I really do think that you need to hear this. You spend too much money. You need to stop eating out as much and save your money. You need a bigger house for the boys, and you need to save. I know this sounds harsh, but it's true. I may be quite a bit younger than you, but as blood relatives, you needed to hear it. I love you. You know that right? Just stop buying the boys new toys and clothes. They have enough already. And I know your husband's parents help, but you gotta learn how to live on your own. I'm sorry you had to hear this from me, but you needed to. Just take what I said into consideration. And remember that I'm not trying to be harsh.

                                                                                               Love your half sis,

                                                                                                       Sabrina Collins


I know this one doesn't have a song to go with it, but I felt like I really needed to write this, whether it had a song or not. Please commment and vote!

less than three, Tree

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