✵ Outside Gone Inside

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Your Perspective |

You were on your feet in an instant as the voices carried through the air, moving to crouch near the edge of the wall to better observe. People- your mind raced a million miles a minute, are there actually human beings in these ruins? You quieted your thoughts as faint figures came into view, resting your hands upon the hilts of your blades; "This is the 57th Annual Scouting Mission to the outskirts of Wall Maria!" A blonde-haired bellowed, and you faintly recognized him as the man from your memory-

Captain Erwin.

The man turned his horse around to face the group of younger faces who sat alert in rapt attention, "You new recruits will have the opportunity to gain experience and skill while facing off, and killing, real titans." The group behind burst into a nervous flurry of sound, and my jaw slipped open in disbelief.

Why the hell was he bringing new recruits to this part of the wall?

You grimaced as the grim reality hit you- many of these recruits would not survive this trip, part of the skilled Survey Corps or not. You drew your gaze towards the titans that roamed freely here, noting that a pack of four medium-class titans that were bounding towards the Corps as a result from the noise that practically radiated off of them. "Well damn, I should probably help them." You muttered, getting to your feet as you arched your back- 

You wouldn't let the newbies die, not on your watch.

You quickly checked the gas level of your 3DMG, grinning as you read the container as 'full'. "Hiddy ho, off I go-" You hummed, letting out a soft hup as you stepped off the wall, plummeting towards the gaping maws that hovered below. "Nice and easy, (Y/N)." You reminded yourself as you launched the cables, making your way steadily towards the disfigured bodies that shot towards the regiment, drawing your blades and whirling in the air as you dug the metallic tips through the napes of a titan duo, counting methodically as their corpses thundered to the ground. "Twenty-three, twenty-four." you spoke aloud as you rebounded off a nearby chimney, feet tapping on the shoulder of the next titan as you slashed your blades across it's neck, using you 3DMG to direct your momentum towards the nearest roof. 


you whispered as you put yourself in the last remaining titan's sight, "and there you are, lucky number twenty-six." The taller titan sprinted right at you, and you used its outstretched hand as a springboard, curving yourself over its head and stabbing downwards, releasing a stream of blood as the body turned in its descent to the ground.


You groaned, landing in a soft crouch on the ground, standing up before spinning your blades in a circle and sheathing them once more. You let your gaze drop to your tattered clothes, the only thing still visible through the blood and grime was the emblem of the Survey Corps, the wings of freedom standing proud amongst the darkened material. You raised a hand to brush yourself off before letting the appendage fall defeated to you side. "It won't do a thing." You huffed, frustrated, squinting through the sun at the sight in front of you.

The entirety of the Survey Corps party stared back.

Panic erupted without warning as you took an unstable step backwards, fear flashing through your heart as you acted on instinct; you quickly turned and shot across the grouping of houses, equipping your 3DMG to scale the wall, practically sprinting back to your rickety camp. Oh god, oh god- your thoughts were in disarray, I haven't spoken to another human being in over four years. What- what do I do? How do I act? You ran a hand through your (H/C) locks, fingers twitching as they hovered above your bloodied blades. 

"Well, they now know where my camp is, so my time alone is limited."

You spun on your heel as you began to pace; the regiment had watched you scale the wall, so it was only a matter of time before they began to investigate. "So, there are multiple options." You spoke to yourself, "Firstly, I could run and attempt to cross the district using 3DMG, but the chances of surviving a trip like that is practically nill." You blew a strand of hair out of your face and continued, "Secondly, I could evade them by throwing myself into the mass of titans below, which would indeed stop any interaction but would probably lead to death. Thirdly, I could speak with them-" even the word tasted sour in your mouth, "not get eaten, and even possibly get an access to inside of Wall Rose. Lastly, I could fight." You laid your hands against your bound gear, silence falling heavy upon you, "And I suppose there's only one logical way out of this situation." You gave a small smile as you kneeled on the dusty stone; I just have to work on my 'people skills' a bit, is all. You ran through methods of conversation and explanation in your head as you tended to the small garden, nimble fingers plucking the small impurities from the soil.

As expected, you did not have to wait long.

The familiar sound of 3DMG cables split through the air, and you darted to your feet as two silhouettes settled atop the wall, faces unreadable as they shifted to a standing position. From your position facing away from the sun, you could easily see their features; one was a brown-haired male, a bit taller than average height, with piercing green eyes. The other male was of short and lean stature, with lovely golden locks and calming ocean-blue eyes. Your eyes narrowed on instinct as a third figure joined them, her most noticeable feature the red scarf she donned underneath her dark hair and even darker eyes. Your hands instinctively reached for your blades as the green-eyed boy opened his mouth to speak; all three figures were scanning the perimeters of your pitiful camp, and, most unnervingly, you. 

That was expected.

"Who the hell are you?" The taller male asked with a biting tone, and the female pushed her way forward, a faint "Eren." escaping her lips. "Who are you?" You responded coldly, fingers twitching on the hilt of your gear as his scrutinizing glare met your burning gaze. "We are members of the Survery Corps," the female spoke, face impassive, "We ask the questions, not the other way around." The blonde boy flinched at her steely voice, and he shook his head as he answered what the other two would not,

"I'm Armin."

He spoke calmly, "And these are my comrades, Eren and Mikasa." He gestured to the figures who stood behind him, ignoring Erin's disbelieving gaze, "Just ignore them. They're both a bit, um, forceful?" He struggled to find the correct word, and you found yourself cracking a small smile at his sentence. "Armin, huh?" You relaxed your hands, though your body was still tense, "I'm (Y/N). (Y/N)(L/N)." Your tone was cautious, but Armin's face brightened nonetheless, "Well then, (Y/N)," Eren spoke once more, gaze a bit less harsh, "What the hell are you doing on top of the wall?" You narrowed your eyes as Mikasa hooked a finger around her scarf, pulling it down to reveal the faint hue of her lips as she spoke, "Careful, Eren." You responded to his question, voice cold, "What I'm doing here, on top of the wall?" You splayed your arms wide, (E/C) eyes dark,

"I've been trapped inside district Maria for over four years."

there you go, lovelies; a newly refurbished chapter four- 1.267k words.

                                                 xo barry

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