Chapter 2: "Tell me why!"

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Chapter: 2

“Tell me why!”

Today was Saturday and it was the big football game. The falcons versus the dolphins (we’re the falcons). I figure I could get his attention for once I was there at the game. But that was just a hunch.

I got dressed in what I thought was cute. A tank top with a hoodie, and a pair of jeans...the usual. But then I thought no I should actually try to look presentable even if I am only going to a football game. So I ripped everything off in a hurry and because I was almost late. I decided to wear a light pink shirt that goes around my shoulders to the sleeves and light brown slim fit jeans and a two inch hot pink belt.

I ran as fast as if could because it was only five more minutes until the game. And my mom was waiting in the car.

“WAIT!” I yelled to my mom!

I flew open the door and jumped in the car.

“What is that getup for...or should if say who?” she asked.

“Trevor!” if lied.

“Okay...” she started to drive.

Thank god the football field they were playing at was at our local park and not at the school. Because she was driving so slow. “Can you hurry up!” if yelled.

“What are you in such a hurry for?”

“I told you Trevor’s gonna be there.”

“Oh god, if could care less about Trevor...what about chase.”

I didn't respond because this was about chase.

We finally got there and if ran out of the car and into the boys locker/warm up room.

I wasn't even afraid to run into a naked guy. When I opened the door to the room. I heard some guy on the team say.

“What is a girl doing in here?”

I shoved some guys out of the way. And then if saw him...Trevor.

He was only wearing his tights for the football game.

But then I thought I’m here for chase.

“Where’s chase?” I asked him in an annoyed voice.

“He’s in the coach’s office, what are you doing in here anyway?”

I pushed him aside and headed to the coaches office. I stopped at the door to afraid that if would interrupt a conversation.

The door opened, and chase started to come out.

“There you are I was looking everywhere for you!” I yelled.

“What are you doing here, are you here to see Trevor because he's right over there you didn't have to ask me where he is.”

“No, I came to see you!”

“Oh, why what's the point of seeing me!” we were practically yelling, and everyone was staring.

“Because, because I missed you!” I can't believe I just said that!

He took my arm and led me out of the room.

“What do you mean you missed me I don't mean anything to you anymore all you care about is, Trevor!” he yelled

“That’s not true.”

“Riiight, then what is true?!”

“I care about you I can't sleep at all knowing that you're upset with haven't said a word to me in two weeks.” he didn't say anything he looked surprised but then his face went back to mad. He started to leave and go back into the locker room.

I grabbed his arm with both of my hands looked down and started to cry.

“TELL ME WHY!” if yelled. I looked back up at him. He raised his eyebrows, grabbed both my shoulders leaned into my face, looked deep into my eyes and said.

“Because I love you!”

He said. He let go of me. The football team started to come out of the locker room. And he went back into the locker leaving me behind still in tears.

Sorry It's not so long

love you guys! ;)

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