Chapter 5: Slut Alert

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Chapter: 5

Slut Alert

The bus finally arrived and we sat in the front as usual. He sat next to the window and I next to the aisle. When we sat down he immediately put his left arm around my shoulder and grabbed my left hand and held it with his right hand.

“Is this alright?” He asked.

“Ye-yes...” I said nervously and stuttered then blushed.

“Why do you seem so nervous?” he asked while starting to laugh.

“Because...” I trailed off.

“Because what?” he asked sternly.

“Because no one has done this to me before...”

“Oh...ok. Well does it feel good… I want to know what you think about all this?” Referring to he and I.

“I don’t know what I think of all this...” I said

“Ok... well I will give you all the time you need to think.”

And with that being said he pulled me closer kissed me on the forehead. He held me close to his chest the whole bus ride.

The bus pulled up to the school. Chase and I got off and went into the school. We started walking down the hall and he reached down and interlocked his fingers with mine and held my hand with his soft and loving grip. As we walked down the hallway people were staring and talking about us.

I heard one girl say “Aren’t they best friends?”

And another girl responded saying “They were... But now I guess they’re more than friends.”

As we walked down the hall, hand and hand I saw Charlotte! She saw Chase and walked up to him and said “Hey sexy” while using her middle and index finger to slide them under his chin. He gave off a little half smile and then she kept on walking and I just looked at him sternly then I tore my hand from his and stormed down the hall.

“Wait!” I heard him yell.

“No!” I yelled back.

Why did he just stand there and let her do that to him. That bitch just really knows how to get under my skin!

And with that being said I went to my first period class. I didn’t really focus in first period because of what that “slut” Charlotte did to Chase... But what pissed me off the most was his reaction to what that slut did to him. I really didn’t know why I was mad but... Th-That bitch just gets to me! The bell for second period rang. I was thinking about how I was going to avoid Chase because I have second period with him.

I went to second period and there he was sitting where my usual math partner sat instead of sitting in front of me as usual. I paused then sighed when I looked at him. After about a half a minute went by he finally noticed me looking at him and he gave me a sharp glare that said “come here”... I slowly walked over to my seat and sat down. I noticed a whole bunch of piercing eyes looking at Chase and I. Chase tried to talk to me.

“What’s wrong with you, why did you storm away from me earlier?”

“Because when that SLUT charlotte touched you all you did was smile instead of defending you and I!” Not realizing that I was practically shouting and everyone was looking at me.

“I thought it didn’t matter because I told you that I love you, what more do you need!” He said in an angry whisper

He stormed out of the classroom before the bell rang. The rest of the class period all I thought about what chase said. And finally the 3rd period bell rang. I left class and went to 3rd period and dozed off in the back row so the teacher couldn’t see me. And before I knew it the 4th period (science) bell rang, as I walked down the hall, I was thinking about how I was going to talk to him or even apologize for that matter? Then Chase appeared coming out of the bathroom... and I grabbed his arm and said “I’m sorry!” He looked at me and I started crying.

“I don’t know why I got mad.” I whispered

“I don’t either.”

“I guess...” And trailed off

“You guess what?” He said sternly

“I guess I don’t like seeing you act that way with other girls... But I don’t have the right to get jealous...”

He sighed loudly and said, “Yes you do... But you just can’t overreact like that without letting me know what’s wrong with you.”

He turned around to face me and I could tell he was looking at the tears running down my face. He took his right palm and put it on my left cheek. Then he used his thumb to wipe the tears off my cheek.

“You know you look so cute when you cry.” He said softly

I looked down and I chuckled then looked back up to catch his dark green eyes staring deep into mine. Then he leaned in slowly and kissed me on the lips. Then hugged me and squeezed me tightly. I hugged him back. After a minute or so he let me go.

Then he said “come on... let’s head to class.” And put his arm on my shoulder.

The rest of the day went by quickly. After school Chase had football practice so I figured I should stay and watch. When I started to walk around the bleachers I heard someone calling to me... I turned around and the head cheerleader Nixie was walking toward me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2014 ⏰

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