Alex Peyton Ward-Part 3 (8)

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I really hope this ends up good because I'm really out of it. Comment below please. For the video, just skip to around 1:50 in and watch how everyone acts are Harley gets dressed because it'll resemble something later on.
Side fall-
Hip Throw-

The first few classes were good for Alex. She was wearing a beanie and sat in the back of each class so nobody really noticed her.

She kept to herself and took notes. She would doodle in her notebook and would look up every now and then.

She could see Caleb and his stupid face sitting in the front of each class answering every question. She wished they were still talking so she could punch him in his stupid teeth.

Jacob would occasionally look back at her but she wouldn't really notice because she had her head down in her notebook.

This was the last class there was before combat class. When the bell rang, Alex picked up her stuff and left the class.

She had to find the gym and hid in her father's office. She locked the door and took the clothes out of her bag. She started to get changed.

From the other side, Grant was trying to get into his office and had to get his key and unlocked the door. He walked in, closed the door and saw Alex getting changed by his desk. He groaned and turned away covering his eyes.

"I'm almost done, Dad. You don't need to get your panties in a twist." She said and finished getting ready. She fixed her hair and put the beanie back on.

"Also can we do light to no running today because I got my period and cramps are a bitch." She said tying her shoe laces.

"Sure, sure, whatever can you just not get changed in here again?" He asked keeping his back turned.

"Okay okay now turn around. Dad, do I look okay?" She asked looking at him. He turned around and looked at his daughter.

"Well besides the fact that you have boobs and are wearing clothes that were cut for females, you look like a guy." He said looking at her.

Alex sighed and looked at her Dad. "I really can't pass as a guy the slightest bit?" She asked looking at him as Grant shook his head.

"It's obvious you're not a guy." He said and took off the beanie from her head and kissed the top of her head.

"What are you doing dad?" Alex asked as her father took her hair brush and a hair tie and pulled her hair back into a ponytail.

"You go be you and don't get worried because the first person that says boo too you has to deal with me." Grant said looking at his daughter.

"Thanks, daddy. I love you." She said hugging her father tightly. He smiled and hugged her back. "I love you too. Now shoo." He said as she smiled and walked away.

"I'm proud of you!" She heard her dad call as she walked away. She shook her head with a smile. He was such a dad.

She took a deep breathe and looked at the doors going into the gym. She opened the doors and saw a bunch of guys.

'You can do this, just blend in and they won't question it.' She thought to herself. 'You have boobs and you're wearing short shorts."

A guy walked over to her. Jacob. She was relieved it was someone she knew already. "How you holding out?" He asked looking at her as she shrugged.

"I'm fine. There's just so much testosterone in one room." She said looking up at Jacob with a smirk.

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