Chapter 11

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Have a weird SU GIF 😄

Kyla: pffft
Third Person POV

Horror came in Sci's lab to see that he seemed a bit troubled.

"Yo Sci." The skeleton jolted up and almost dropped a chemical, Horror chuckled as Sci fixed his glasses.

"You got them?" Horror nodded and handed him a special kind of metal.

"Thanks Horror." Sci smiled before going behind a curtain and immediately started working.

Horror glanced at blueprints and smirked at what it showed.

"So these are what the new mechas will look like?" He asked as Sci peeked out the curtains and nodded.

"Yup, Ink just gave me the designs but I just need a bit more Cyberall and a pinch of Gallede blood to finish the prototype." Horror hummed and walked to the door, grabbing the knob.

"I think I saw a flock, how many are you going to need?" He asked as Sci went quiet for a while.

"Just four more. You think you can get some?" Horror chuckled and opened the door and began leaving the lab.

"Who do you think I am Sci?" As Horror left the scientist chuckled and shook his head.
Third Person POV

"Welcome to home base!" Blue smiled and spread his arms showing a large mansion that was under a huge rundown building in the surface.

Edge and Classic gaped at the size, it looked as large as the castle if not bigger.

As they reached the entrance a skeleton with a mafia suit and fedora was guarding the entrance, his shoulder on the desk with his chin on his hand.

"Hey Blue." Mafia grinned as he took out a cigarette and lit it. Blue nodded in greeting and lead the two inside.

It looked even larger in the inside and a lot of Sanses could be heard in one room training, while others lounged around.

"I'll show you guys your room later, right now why don't you two rest. Classic you need to come with me to the hospital wing." The laid back skeleton nodded as Edge walked off.

Edge left the two to go to the hospital wing and looked around, trying to find someone.

"Now if I was him where would I be?" Edge got an idea and found a door and went in. He grinned as he saw what was inside the room.

His grin only widened when he saw the skeleton he was looking for.

He sneaked up on him and wrapped his arm around the victims neck and gave him a nuggie.

"Ah! Hey!" He chuckled and let go as the skeleton looked at him surprised.

"Edge? You're here!" Sci smiled and hugged his edgier self. Edge returned the hug and soon let go.

"How's my little nerd doing?" He smirked as the scientist blushed and looked away.

"I'm d-doing good, what about you?" Edge shrugged and his grin faded. He tried to fight the tears but they were already forming.

He gently hugged Sci and whimpered. Sci who saw the usually mean and strong skeleton become weak frowned.

He hugged him back and rubbed his back. It made him remember when Horror surprisingly comforted him as well.

"It's going to be okay..." Sci mumbled trying to calm down his close friend even if he knew it wasn't true.

Edge calmed down a little but he was still shivering lightly and still had his head buried in the skeleton's sweater.

Sci blushed as Edge cuddled closer and started to calm down as he felt safe in his arms.

"Why don't you lay down?" Sci suggested and lead the now calm Edge to a couch.

He made the makeshift couch turn into a bed as he put a blanket and a pillow.

Edge laid down but as soon as Sci was about to leave he grabbed his hand.

Sci was shocked when he pulled him to the bed and wrapped his arms around his waist.

He blushed a dark blue and mentally thanked god that his back was facing Edge.

Edge nuzzled into Sci's neck and slowly began to fall asleep.

'A little nap won't hurt.' He thought and joined the sleeping skeleton.

Chara had their shoulders on the table had their chin on one hand while the other was massaging their head.

Frisk and Monster Kid tried to calm down the stressed child but failed as they were also stressed.

"What are we going to do?" Asgore whispered as he peered from the doorway.

"I don't like seeing my children like this." He grumbled at the group.

"This only happened when that annoying skeleton left." Alphys complained as Papyrus huffed.

"Maybe I shouldn't have let them grow on him." He thought out loud as Toriel gave a frustrated sigh.

"Then let's just get him." Undyne said with an annoyed look.

"This will continue if we don't get him back here." The others groaned having to go through the trouble to find just one skeleton.

Suddenly Chara shot up from their seat and ran through the hallway and out of the house.

Frisk and MK followed as the group looked at them in confusion before chasing after them.

Chara ran through Snowdin and when they saw a familiar house their run turned into a sprint.

When the group caught up they were confused when they saw the child go in Sans' room.

They silently followed them to see Chara pull out a key from their pocket and opened a locked door.

Papyrus was shocked when they unlocked the door.

Frisk and MK were looking at Chara as if asking for an answer.

"I just realized where I saw that Ink and Core." They opened a drawer and placed down what looked like a fancy badge on the counter and opened another.

When they pulled out the picture it was Sans with a colorful skeleton and a grey child and one skeleton who had sharp teeth and a golden tooth.

All of their arms around each other's shoulders.

All of them smiling as someone who looked like Sans but seemed more laid back was a bit closer in the picture indicating they were the one who captured it.

Chara looked at the cloth that was covering something and pulled it off.

Everyone was surprised in what they saw.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2016 ⏰

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