A Million Dollars

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It's short but I got the idea from the last Superfruit vid so I figured why not lol. Btw disclaimer I didn't know what to do for the pic so I just chose a random one😂 ENJOY

Third POV

It's Christmas morning and Scott and Mitch are opening each other's presents and joking around, as per usual, and having had a few cups of alcoholic egg nog already, they were a bit tipsy.

All of the presents had been opened, and Mitch was about to get up to hug Scott and thank him for everything when Scott stops him.

"WAIT Mitchy. I haven't given you every present yet." Mitch's eyebrows furrow as he starts thinking, and then his face goes blank.

"Scott don't you dare try to kiss me I swear to god." Mitch says forcefully. Scott giggles and gets up from the couch.

"I'll be right back."

"SCOTT I SWEAR TO GOD IF THIS IS MISTLETOE AND YOU ARE PLAYING S TRICK ON ME I WILL LEAVE YOU FOREVER!" Scotts laughter can be heard from all the way down the hallway, and he suddenly appears back in the living room, now holding an envelope. Scott walks over to Mitch and hands him the envelope.


Mitch looks at it carefully, examining the entire thing and trying to figure out what is inside. Scott giggles again and says "Mitchy just open it."

Mitch slides his finger under the envelope flap slowly, careful not to rip the envelope, and also knowing that it will drive Scott crazy for taking so long. Scott sighs loudly and Mitch giggles, opening it all the way.

Inside he finds a paper folded in fourths neatly, with Scotts handwriting on the outside. It reads, "hope you like it...luv u Mitchy❤️"

Mitch's heart starts racing as he opens the paper. He reads it slowly and carefully, and then lets out a little yelp, dropping the paper and looking up at Scott. He puts one hand over his mouth and his eyes start to water. Scott starts laughing, slightly surprised at how much Mitch really likes it. Mitch picks up the paper and rereads it, making sure he didn't see it wrong.


"I didn't have a million dollars as a budget so I couldn't get you a full closet of new clothes, but I figured this was pretty good."

"SCOTT IS THIS WHAT I THINK IT IS?!?" Mitch yells, far more excited than Scott was ever expecting him to be.

"If you think it's one ticket for you to go Iceland, than yes." Mitch starts giggling excitedly, but then stops as he thinks about what Scott just said.

"One...? As in you're not going?"

"Yes just one. I thought you wanted to go by yourself? To get away from everyone for a bit?"

"Yes get away from everyone else. Be by myself with you." Mitch says quietly. Scott sits down next to Mitch, putting his hand on Mitch's knee.

"Mitchy I really thought you wanted to go alone. I only bought one ticket. I'm sorry," Scott says frowning. Mitch looks up at him sadly, when his face suddenly lights up.

"Hey Scott...guess who's going to Iceland with me?" Mitch asks, but without giving him any time to reply, he pokes Scott's bicep and says "you."

"Mitch I don't understa..."

"I'm gonna buy you a ticket to Iceland with me. For Christmas. Bc I need you to go with me."

"Mitch you're insane this was gonna be all for you and i ruin..."

"Scotty shut up. It's Christmas. We're going to Iceland. Be happy."

This shuts Scott up immediately, although he still looks sorrowful. He looks over at Mitch, who has started to smile, the happiness slowly taking over every inch of his face.

"Scotty...we're going to Iceland. ICELAND SCOTTY. FUCKING ICELAND!" He attacks Scott and throws himself on top of him, hugging him tightly.

"We're going to Iceland Mitchy," he says, hugging him back.

"Merry fucking Christmas Scotty."

"Merry Christmas Mitchy."

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