Pinky Promise

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Thank y'all so much for 10k! Idk how the heck that happened, but I'm not complaining lol ily all. Btw this is probably the cheesiest thing I have ever written, and I know not all of this is completely accurate, but it's all pretty easy to imagine, so let me know what you think. Oh yah and also a little side note here, if you look closely at the picture that goes with this, you will understand why I chose it. Hint: pay careful attention to Scott's left pinky ;)

Third POV

From that very first second that Scott saw Mitch walking across that stage, singing his lines passionately to Willy Wonka, he became immediately obsessed, and he made it his goal to become best friends with him. Little did he know, the younger boy felt the same way about him. Mitch had been planning how he was going to talk to Scott for a while, waiting for just the right time to do it.

One day after a particularly difficult rehearsal, Mitch was searching for his parents in the large crowd of people, hoping to spot them so he could finally go home, when his gaze falls on Scott, and he feels a wave of excitement.

"Oh come on," he tells himself, "just go over there and say hi to him. It's not like he's famous or anything. Stop being such a wimp." As he was mentally preparing himself for the conversation he was about to engage with Scott, he finds himself face to face with the blonde boy, and any ounce of courage he had before suddenly flew out the window.

He looks away, his gaze falling to the floor. Mitch begins to question whether he should walk away and spare himself the embarrassment, when a sudden pair of arms embrace his body, dropping before Mitch even has a chance to think about hugging back.

"Hi, I'm Scott. What's your name?" the blonde boy says eagerly, much like an excitable puppy.

"Uh, Mitch," Mitch says, silently beating himself up for acting so nervous and shy around this boy.

"Well okay, Uh-Mitch. we're gonna be best friends, okay?"

"Uhhhhh I-"

"Best friends are always there for each other and are friends forever and ever. Promise you'll do that?"

"Uhm sure I-"

"Pinky promise???" Scott holds out his pinky, waving it in front of Mitch's face. Mitch finds himself linking his pinky with the one flying frantically in front of his face, not even realizing he had done it. He grins.

"Pinky promise," he says confidently. He liked where this was going.

"YAY! Now we're best friends okay? Bye Mitch!" Scott hugs Mitch again, just as quickly as before, and then runs off. Mitch's parents find him standing by himself, a huge grin plastered on his face, staring at his own outstretched pinky.


As the years went on, Scott and Mitch found themselves getting closer and closer. Throughout the rest of elementary school and all of middle school, they could always be found giggling and whispering to each other, spending most of their time away from school together. They were there for each other through thick and thin, always there to support the other and provide a shoulder to cry on when needed.

Then along came high school.

And with it came the stress. And the anxiety. And the depression. All putting a lot of weight on their friendship.

All of this seemed to affect Mitch more than Scott, and the boys found themselves getting in fights more and more, usually ending in Mitch getting mad at Scott and refusing to talk to him.

The first time this happened, it lasted for almost a month, and every day Scott would get more and more worried that Mitch really was leaving forever. He couldn't deal with the thought of not having Mitch in his life: he just meant too much to him. He needed him.

And then one day, Mitch walked up to him in the hallway and held up his pinky. Scott was confused at first, but then he remembered that first day he walked up to Mitch all those years ago. He stuck out his pinky and joined it with Mitch's.

"A promise is a friends are friend forever and ever," Mitch says quietly, not failing to make eye contact with Scott the entire time he says it. Scott's eyes light up, tears forming in his eyes, and he hugs Mitch tightly, remembering that first hug.

This wasn't the only time this happened of course. There were a few more times that they got in these huge fights, and every time Scott was terrified that Mitch would never come back. But without fail, Mitch would always come back to Scott, pinky outstretched, and internally grateful that Scott always sticks around.

As high school continued, the boys started getting in fewer fights, meanwhile getting closer than ever before. They both seemed to finally realize that they truly needed each other and that they are always there for each other. They had found themselves a good core group of friends, and eventually started to actually enjoy high school.


When Mitch's anxiety started coming back out of the blue, Scott always felt the need to make him feel better. He had dealt with Mitch's anxiety for so long in previous years, but he found it to be more and more difficult to comfort him.

Scott eventually found himself grabbing Mitch's pinky in his own, curling his fingers and wrapping his pinky tightly around Mitch's. The very first time that Scott did this, Mitch looked up at Scott, his eyes questioning Scott's sudden gesture. Scott simply smiled softly, pulling Mitch into his chest with his opposite arm, resting his chin on the top of his head.

"Because best friends are always there for each other."

Scott made it a habit to automatically reach for Mitch's pinky when he seemed even a little bit anxious or nervous. And eventually, Mitch found himself grabbing for Scott's pinky when he felt his anxiety creeping up on him. The feeling of Scott's finger wrapped around his own somehow managed to calm him down. Just that simple touch made him feel safe. Knowing that Scott was next to him helped so much.

And without fail, these little moments always reminded the boys of the very beginning of their friendship: that very first hug, that first conversation...that promise that will follow them for the rest of their lives.


Even to this day, Scott and Mitch find themselves interlocking their pinkies at random times. Sometimes it's because they get in a little argument and don't want to take it too far. Sometimes it's because one of them is nervous or anxious about something. Sometimes it's just because they're sitting next to each other and want to feel each other's presence.

But no matter what it is, it never fails to remind the boys of the truly remarkable friendship that they have. This little action says so much, yet uses no words.

It says, "I will always be here for you."

It says, "I support you."

It says, "I need you in my life."

But more than anything else, it says, "I love you."

And that will never change.

Ok so little AN here I have a vid to go with this but it wouldn't go in here unless it's a YouTube vid so I just posted it on my fan insta and I'm posting the link to that here so I would actually suggest watching it bc this vid is the reason why I made this story so anyway ily all hope you enjoyed

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