Chapter 2

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*(Y/N) POV*

I walked into the village with Naruto and Jiraiya, we had just finished 2 years of training. In that time, I and Naruto have gotten quite close, hanging out and eating all the ramen we could stuff ourselves with. 

We got a pole in the middle of town, I and Naruto dropped our stuff and, using our chakra, climbed it to the top.

"Wow, the Leaf hasn't changed one bit, has it, Naruto?"

"Yeah," He said before yelling. "Hello, world! Naruto Uzumaki is back and here to stay!" I laugh at his silliness.

"Naruto? (Y/N)? Is that you?" I heard a voice call, we look down to see Sakura.

"Huh? Oh hey, Sakura!" I yell down, I was the first to jump down, Naruto was close behind me.

"Hey, when did you guys get back?" She asked, looking older and more womanly then the last I saw her. 

"We got back today!" Naruto explained, putting a hand on the back of his head with a smile.

Man, he is cute! I thought to myself and not declining it. You had grown a liking toward Naruto but were to scare to show it. 

I was lost in thought and wasn't paying attention to my surroundings. Sakura was currently yelling at Naruto for something gross. 

Probably his Pervy-Jitsu...   

I walk up to Sakura. "Calm down, Sakura. He meant no harm by it. It's Naruto, he was born to be like this."

Sakura sighed angerly, dropping Naruto and stomping away mumbling something about his childishness. I turn to him, he was rubbing the back of his head, his cheek was bleeding lots.

"Oh, your cheek," I point out. "Here let me patch it up," I say, pulling his to a bench and grabbing some first-aid stuff.

"Thanks, for saving me from Sakura," Naruto spoke up, blushing slightly. I fluster as well, focusing my eyes to his cheek so he wouldn't see.

"Welcome, but you should know not to mess with her, Naruto. By the looks of it, see hasn't changed much but in looks and strength." I tell.

Naruto sighed. "Yeah, I know. Say, wanna get some ramen after we talk to Grandma Tsunade?" He asked.

I nod. "Yeah, I mean, it's ramen! Who wouldn't wanna go to that!?" I loved ramen as much as I loved life, which was quite big. Naruto wasn't much different from me when it came to ramen.

He jumped up before I could finish. "Alright! Let's g--" He couldn't finish because I punched him on the head. "OW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR (Y/N)?!"

"Sit down now!" I ordered, giving him a commanding glare. He looked scared as he sat back down. "You can go when I'm done fixing you."

He crossed his arms, mumbling something under his breath, but I couldn't catch what it was.

After I was down patching him up we walked over to the Hogake's office. Without knocking, we walked in.

Grandma Tsunade was sitting in her chair, reading a file. "Shizune, what is it you need?" She asking, thinking it was her.

"Heh, you're a bit off on that, Grandma Tsunade," I say, smiling. She looked up and saw me and Naruto.

Naruto smiled as well, putting his hands behind his head. "Long time no see!"

"Naruto! (Y/N)! Your back, and well I see." She told. "Look at you both, you've grown up well." I could tell she was holding back some tears. 

Just then, Kakashi walked in. Naruto and I turned toward him. 

"Naruto? (Y/N)?" Kakashi uttered, shocked. He holding one of his books

 Well, he hasn't changed I see. 

Kakashi shook his head. "Well, I see you two are back and grown. You've probably gotten stronger too."

"Well yeah! What else were we training two years for?"

He smiled under the mask, which soon went away when Tsunade asked. "Do you have the information on.... Sasuke?"

I and Naruto tensed up at the sound of his name. "Sasuke..." I whisper to myself.

"Yes, I do. He so far hasn't been used for Orochimaru's new body yet, so that's good." Kakashi told. "But we still need to search for the new hideout."

Naruto slammed his hands on on Tsunade's desk. "Please Grandma Tsunade! Let us go!" Naruto begged.

I peeked up from behind Naruto. "Please let us, we've been waiting for a moment like this!" I say too.

Tsunade sighed, crossing her arms,"Fine you may go." Me and Naruto high-fived. "But please, be safe. I don't want you getting hurt."

"We'll be fine!" We say in unison.

"Alright. You guys will leave tomorrow."

We all said okay and left.

"So, how 'bout that ramen?" Naruto asked.

I nod. "Last one there " I start running.

"HEY!" I hear Naruto call from behind me.

Let's just say, Naruto was unhappy with the turnout...

"Here ya go, two bowls of ramen with a side of pork." In front of us, was the ramen we haven't had in two years.

We both took a bit at the same time. "Oh gosh, I missed this!" I exclaim.

"Same," Naruto agreed.

In the end, I had 15 bowls and Naruto had 13, and the meals ended being HUGE. 

We were walking back to the house, it was dark and the streets was pretty much empty. 

"MAN THAT WAS ALOT OF MONEY!" Naruto complained.

I laugh. "It was your loss for not getting there in time."

He was about to say something back when 20 ninjas dropped from the sky, we dodge to the side and out of the way.

"Who are you?" Naruto asked the ninjas.

"We are here on Orochimaru's behalf."  One answered.

Naruto looked shocked and angry. "Orochimaru!? What does he want?"

Some threw a shuriken at him. "That is for us to know."

 I was about to help him when I felt something behind me. I turned around and saw someone I didn't think I'd see for awhile.


He looked down at me, he was a few inches taller than me. "(Y/N)." Before I could attack, he grabbed my arm, stopping me. "You're coming with me, (Y/N)."

"SASUKE!" Naruto yelled from behind him.

Still holding me, he turned toward him. "Naruto,"

Naruto glared. "What are you doing with (Y/N)?"

Sasuke shook his head. "She's none of your concern anymore."

"What?" I say, I twist my hand, trying to get away. "Let me go, Sasuke!"

I felt a bite on my neck, my vision went blurry. "Naruto..." I say weakly.

"(Y/N)!" He ran toward us, only to be stopped by the ninja before. 

My whole vision went blurry and the last thing I heard was. "I missed you."


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