Chapter One

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Dalia could feel her heart drumming against her ribcage with a frantic rhythm, matching the pounding of her paws against the forest floor as she ran. But no matter how fast she ran, it felt like she was running in slow motion. Why do you keep getting us in trouble like this? Dalia's voice resonated through her mind, searching for an answer from her wolf.

What do you mean by me getting us in trouble, You're just as much to blame as I am, her wolf's voice echoed in her mind.

She growled to herself as she continued to run as fast as she could, then out of nowhere before she could even react to what was happening, she was being pinned down by a large ashen-colored wolf with tan-colored eyes. She gave out loud whines and yelps as she struggled to push him off of her, but the way he had her pinned made it impossible.

As she continued to struggle, her small pleas for help were silenced as a huge charcoal black wolf with the most intense emerald green eyes stepped forward with his hackles on end as he stood there, head held high, lips curled back, and his tail raised as high as it could go. His presence was unmistakable as an Alpha, Berion held himself high above the others who were there with him.

Dalia, this is getting old, his wolf's voice resonated in her thoughts, I can't let you keep attacking the other members without any punishment. This time you have gone too far; you attacked your alpha-to-be and almost killed her. If it wasn't for your friends, she'd be dead right now!

He growled loudly as he lowered his head with his ears pinned flat against his skull while he slowly drew closer to her, This is the last straw, You have two days to leave the territory or be killed!

The last thing she saw was the blur of white as his ivories snapped close and shortly after, nothing but darkness.

As she slowly came to, she barely lifted her head and slightly opened her eyes, but everything she saw was blurred. She growled to herself as she pushed herself up on shaky paws, she stood there for a moment while her eyes adjusted to the darkened field that she was now standing in, all of a sudden, her blood ran cold as she looked around.

Her Alpha had left her for dead right outside the territory lines.

A low growl from the other side of the field caught her attention, and as she turned to look towards the sound, she could just barely make out the shape of a wolf. She slowly backed away before darting into the tree line and made her way back towards her home.

When she reached her house, she shifted into her human form and changed into some clothes she always had hidden behind the house. She could see her mother pacing frantically in the kitchen and her father trying to comfort her before giving up and sitting down.

How long have I been unconscious? She wondered, her thoughts echoing in her mind as she approached her worried parents.

When she walked in the back door and softly closed it shut, she looked at the ground. She heard her mother gasp loudly, and her mother moved quickly to her, almost crushing her in a tight hug.

As soon as Cordea saw Dalia walk in through the back door, she pulled her into a warm and tight hug, her face filled with worry as she inspected her daughter for injuries. "Dalia, honey, what happened? Where have you been?" she whispered with a mixture of concern and relief, her voice trembling slightly. Cordea gently released her daughter after kissing her forehead and then turned her attention to Osric, who had stood up from his chair and was now glaring at Dalia.

Cordea couldn't believe her husband's harsh words. "Why the hell did you attack Celestria?" Osric growled, and Cordea immediately stepped in, standing protectively in front of Dalia. "That is no way to talk to our daughter!" she retorted, her voice firm.

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