Special Chapter 1: Palladium's Thoughts

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It's a new year. I'm excited to meet all of the new students coming in this year. I have to admit that I'm a bit nervous too. I look again through the student profiles that Headmistress Faragonda gave me. Most of the names are familiar. One profile in particular always catches my eye, though, every time I flip through them. Onyx. Headmistress Faragonda told us that we'd have a "special" student this year. An Ankelon. Never thought I'd be ever teaching one. They're usually up there, judging us without getting too involved. It seems like this one is actually a victim of that judging. I was told that she was a Dark Ankelon and that she needed to be purged into low-level Light magic. Apparently, those are the exact words that Anakoni, Infinite Castle's headmaster, said to Headmistress Faragonda when he asked to enrol Onyx. That poor kid must've been treated really unfairly back there. It could actually be a good thing for her to get out of there and come here.

The students should be arriving any hour now. I leave my office and join Professor DuFour who's observing from the window the students who are coming into the school.

"They all look so promising. They remind me of when I was still their age."

I nod at what she says.

"A new generation, a new hope."

Professor Wizgiz then joins us, transformed into one of his usual weird creatures. This causes Professor DuFour to faint.

"Professor Wizgiz you should refrain from scaring her like that."

I say jokingly to him. It's not the first time, really. She always falls for the same trick. When she regains her consciousness, we all go out and join Headmistress Faragonda and Griselda to greet the new students.

Headmistress Faragonda gives her usual speech to them, while Griselda warns them about not to do.

"Alright girls, go find your rooms and get to know your roommates. I'll see you all later."

Faragonda says to them. She then stops a girl with long black hair, very pale skin, and black eyes.

"And you must be Onyx, right?"

So that's Onyx? She does emanate a considerable amount of Dark magic. Strangely enough, though, it's not an aggressive aura.

"Yes, that's me."

She says to Faragonda, not daring to look her in the eyes. She does seem like she's... broken. How badly was she treated?

"Anakoni told me that you were... special."

"I'm sure he didn't use such kind words..."

As I thought. She must've been verbally abused quite often for what she is.

"Oh, it doesn't matter what he said. What matters is that you're here now. Follow me to my office, I'll brief you through how things work around here."

She follows us to Faragonda's office.

When we do, Headmistress Faragonda invites her to sit down across from her desk. She introduces all of us to her. I clear my throat when it's my turn to introduce myself to her.

"My name is Palladium. I teach fairies how to tune in with nature. I also teach Potionology, as well as casting charms. If you need any extra help in those areas, don't hesitate to come find me. I'd be glad to help."

"Nice to meet you."

She doesn't look me in the eyes either. I don't even think she's aware of it herself.

It's the first Potionology class that I'm giving this semester. It turns out to be the new students' class. I explain the curriculum to my students, who can't seem to concentrate very well on what I'm saying. At this point, I'm kind of used to it. There are a few that are actually listening to me. One of them is Onyx. She seems genuinely interested in what I'm saying. Now comes the practice part. I give them an easy assignment and monitor how they're doing. I just hope there won't be any explosions... Especially that Stella is in my class too.

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