Chapter 10

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A/n okay guys..... Well, I got good news and bad news. Bad news, well I think (I think) and I believe that the upcoming chapters might go shorter from now on 😭😭😭😭 but good news? Well, there updates will go faster from now on. 😄😄😄😄 You guys might be wondering... Why exactly? Cuz well, I downloaded wattpad on my phone so I dun need to  use my laptop to write stuff anymore!! Woooohoooo and I could write everyday or something like that.... So, if I go on a trip, wattpad! If I go on a break, wattpad! If I go on a date, wattpad! If I go-
Reader:Just shuddap already and continue with the story!
Me: Okay! Fine! Sheeesh no need to be  impatient! On with the story!

Your POV

I facepalmed at myself. Out of all the stupid thing I could have done, I did that. I put my hands to my cheeks, they felt hottish-warm.
I could feel the sound of my heart thumping loudly. This was unnatural for me, I never felt like this. Sure, hugged him a thousand times before, cried on his back a couple times, but what's this? I think I felt this once, but this was rarely. And would only occur when I'm with him? Do you think...?
No, that cannot possibly be it! (A/n Reader: am I finally going to confirm my love for shiro-chan??? 😍😍😍)
That... Is impossible! Is it my hollow affecting me? I lowered the settings to its lowest! Can't even see any souls whatsoever! So how?! (A/n Nope, sorry reader-chan you ain't just yet!😜😜😜)

Ugh... I could forget all about this for today... I gotta go to Orihime's house first. Fortunately, I was able to tell Kisuke of where I will be for the meantime.

I got my bag from Ichigo's living room containing all my clothes and such needed to sleep over at Orihime's house.

I arrived at her house as I rang the doorbell at the entrance. "Oh, (f/n)! Welcome in! I'm glad you came! Its gets a little lonely here sometimes without anyone in the house..." She said
"Haha, I can relate" I said as I went inside her house. I dropped my bag on the couch.
"Um, Orihime? If you're going to look for me then I'll just be on the roof."
"The roof???" She asked
"Yup. Or just give me a call."
"Uhhh sure?"
I headed upstairs looking for a window so that I can go on top of the roof. I wanted to watch the sunset of the world of the living. I started doing this lately....

...I miss home.

I lay my back on the roof watching as the sun set with vibrant colors that meshed well together. It was truly beautiful.

Toshiro's POV

When we finally found a place to stay in (thanks to Rangiku, even though, she's still going to do her paperwork when we get back from the world of the living whether she likes it or not)

Rangiku started having her own chat with Orihime, so I decided I go outside to get some fresh air. I went on top of the house's roof only to find that girl I saw earlier. (F/n), right?

I felt my cheeks go warm, remembering what happened just a while back.

"(Y/n)," I started.

"Yeah?" (F/n) replied. A split second after that Her eyes widened, like as if she realized something. I have no idea why, though. Maybe just my imagination?

"Hello. Um, may I sit here?" I asked her, motioning the place right beside her.

"Uh... Yeah, sure." She said, unsurely. Of what, exactly? I honestly don't know.

It felt weird, watching the sunset together.

I decided then to think about the unfinished thoughts in my mind, and recall stuff I need to do and whatnot.

I looked over at (F/n), she had a solemn expression on her face, as if contemplating on something. She really did awfully remind me of (Y/n), to say the least. Wait,


My eyes widened in realization. I called her (Y/n) just a while ago, right? Why didn't she respond like, "I'm (F/n), not (Y/n)"? But answered it like as if she was used to being called like that.

The Letter, and the 7th Ryoka, during the invasion.

Ichigo said there was no seventh Ryoka after Aizen exited the Soul Society. Then who was that? Surely, the 7th Ryoka must've been the one who gave the letter. Byakuya said that there was one more Ryoka spotted near the squad 10 barracks.

Uncanny resemblance?

The eyes, the hair, the voice, they're all to similar.

That moment earlier...?

I heard her cuss when I was just about to open her notebook. The timing was too perfect, as if she cussed for that reason of me getting a hold of her handwriting. Her to be found out?

"You've grown"...?

It can't be a coincidence. The timing, the evidence, everything. It all makes perfect sense now.

Your POV

'Shit, why did I say that?! Why did I respond? Shit! Please please please please! Tell me that he only said that out of habit!' you thought, nervously.

'How do I cover for this?!' your face paled as you saw the white-haired captain with a look of realization. 'Did he figure it out? I need to make up an excuse... And fast...' You thought as you finally thought up of one.

"May I ask you a question...?" You started. 'Please say this'll work!' you thought, pleadingly.


"My name..." His eyes widened a little bit, "You didn't know what it was, did you?" He cocked an eyebrow.

"...What?" He said with a confused face.

"You called me a different name earlier. I just responded since I didn't want to embarrass you but uh..." You trailed off, deliberately and intentionally.

His face turned a deep shade of red. "I-I-m sorry! I was completely mistaken! You looked like someone familiar to me so I kind of..." He scratched the back of his head.

"No, it's okay really!" I said. It became silent after that.

Toshiro's POV

Who was I kidding? She's gone. I mistook (F/n) for (Y/n), who is dead.

Dead people don't come back alive.

Although the percentage has been dragged down drastically low, I can't cancel or remove the possibility. I can't get my hopes up, but I can't get my guard down, either.

To confirm it, with this slim chance, there's only one other option.

To find out whether she is really (Y/n) or not, then...

...I will need to investigate.


Word count: 1128

I am soooooo sorry for the not only short, but super duper late update! I hate myself. I feel soooooo responsible, yeah. *sarcasm, cough*

Anyways, thanks for sticking through thick and thin. Anyways, good thing is we are finally starting to get with the REAL plot now. (I needed this at the Vizard arc since... Yeah) And don't worry, You and Toshiro are gonna have ALOT of moments. This story is gonna be like 20-30 chapters for it to be complete, I guess. Anyhow, thank you everyone!!!!

PS, Updates, I PROMISE will become faster, but sadly I can only keep up with 1000 words. But can 800-1000 be a minimum? Pls say so in the comments below. LAV YA ALL!!! 😘😘😘😘

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