Chapter 11

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Your POV

"So... Um, your name is Toshiro right?" I asked.


"Earlier... you called me (Y/n), who is that person exactly?" I know this is all just an act, but I need to say this to cancel out all possible suspicion.

"Ah, she's... an old friend." Toshiro said unsurely.

"Ooohhh! Can you tell me what she's like?" I asked, fishing out the best words I can think of to make me sound curious.

"She is understanding, caring... Um, she also kind of looks like you, that's why I kind of mistaken you for her." He said, looking away.

My ears and my cheeks turned a slight pink upon hearing the description of my personality of, "understanding and caring".

"You said she's an old friend, right? Where is she now?" I asked.

Toshiro's POV

"You said she's an old friend, right? Where is she now?" (Fake Name) asked, as I flinched at the question.

"She's... Gone." I said.

I can't, and I won't accept the fact that's she's dead until I can really and truly prove that she is. And my number one lead is this girl, however I must not put off the mission. For now, she's just gone, not dead.

"Oh... I'm sorry." The girl simply shrugged, probably feeling guilty of asking that question.

Though many pieces may fit in place on this puzzle, some of them don't. There is this bigger picture I can't seem to get a hold of. A missing piece that I don't have. What is it?

A motive?



What is it? I looked (F/n) who seemed to have a terrified look in her eyes. Her hands were trembling, her skin looked so pale, and it was like as if she could barely speak.

"Hey, are you alright-" I started as reached out to her. Only to be cut off by a terrified, yet pleading voice.

"Get away from me... Please... Just get away..." Her voice was shaking.


What's that? I heard something like... A cracking sound?

Her eyes widened, as she stood up, taking steps backwards.

The sunset already finished and the sky was painted a hue of dark blue.

She was still taking steps backwards, with a look of terror.

"Stop! You'll fall!" I yelled as I ran to the retreating girl.

But, I was too late.

She fell before my hand was able to reach hers.

I suddenly felt a really powerful reiatsu spike up from somewhere until it disappeared a split second after. I couldn't locate the location since the timing was too fast. It was not like it as if it increased, decreased, and disappeared. No, it felt like it was increasing incredibly fast and then it just... Disappears.

When I looked down from the roof, I did not see a bloody corpse, or a lifeless body on the ground with bones broken into a million pieces.

I saw two bodies.

Both of them were absolutely identical to the other. But, one was laying down, as if it was dead. But the other one was... Standing.

It was (Y/n).

I felt no reiatsu coming from her, but her clothing was the basic shinigami shihakusho along with the captain's haori. It was her. It really was her.

I smiled, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was (Y/n).

I was looking from above, so in my perspective, I could see her looking down at the floor, her shoulders and arms were limp, and her hair covering her eyes.

I knew it! It was (Y/n) all along!

I came down from the roof and went to the ground to greet her, this time as (Y/n).

"It's really you (Y/n)..." I started, but her only response was that she held a hand in front of me, gesturing not to come closer.

"Don't you know how much I missed you?! How much you made all of us grieve?! (Y/n)! Answer me!" I voiced out everything I felt. The tears were already forming in my eyes.

The response she gave me was not what I wished for. With her hand still held out infront of me, she finally looked up.


Her eyes, they weren't (e/c) anymore. They were yellow, along with the color of black. Her face held an emotionless, blank expression. And everything about her right now was different, in a way.


I stepped back, a solid five feet away from her, but her hand still facing in my direction.

Reishi started gathering around her face, until I saw

A hollow mask.

The left side of the mask had blue vertical streaks right under the eyes all they way until the bottom while the 'teeth' were frowning, while the right side had the same type of streaks, but instead with the color red. And this side was smiling.

It felt awfully unsettling.

And I did not like this feeling. It felt eerie, like someone was watching me. And at the same time, it felt like... Guilt? I don't know, but there was a feeling that felt like that, whenever I stare at the mask.

...A hollow?

For some reason, it only clicked in now. These thoughts happening all within less than a second.

Was she a hollow? Was she killed by a hollow? No... Wait, don't tell me...

Is she an arrancar?

I felt everything zoom back out from my thoughts to reality. Not even 2 seconds have passed yet.

I just looked at the figure before me.

I could feel the bloodlust surrounding her figure. I guess I have no choice,

I'm sorry (Y/n).

I deeply sighed, knowing that I may regret my actions later on.

"Bankai, Daiguren Hyourinmaru"



Yo! Hello fellow readers! This is geekdudewriter here and yes, I changed my username. Anyways, like promised I got you guys a chapter. Supposedly, this ought to be longer like 2000 words but like I told you, I'll be updating more often but it being the 4th quarter of hell (aka school) the chapters will be 800-1000 as minimum. And I was able to do that quota and keep my promise. 😉😉😉

So yeah, tell me if my writing is crap, I would love to here your opinions and insights down on the comment below on how to improve my story.

This is GeekDudeWriter, signing out! 😎😎😎

Word count: 1069

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