Chapter 22: The Baby's Coming....On Christmas Eve?! (Final Chapter)

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December 24th.

Christmas Eve

Michael's POV

It's been six months since all this commotion with Tay has been resolved. I'm so glad to know that the baby is perfectly healthy. Things are really starting to get better. For thanksgiving, mother invited us over, and to my surprise, Joesph finally apologized and decided to welcome Essences into the family. Everyone just can't get enough of her now. Janet seems to feel the closet to her though.

" Essences, you okay in there?", I ask, since she's in the bathroom. We just finished watching Peter Pan, and she's been in the bathroom for at least ten minutes. I walk towards the bathroom to check on her. She must have heard me coming because she quickly opens the door.

" Michael...the baby's coming!!!", she yells.

" Okay, don't worry babygirl, were gonna get you to the hospital!!", I rush her to the car, and we rush to the hospital.

*At The Hospital*

Essences' POV

" Okay Mrs. Jackson, on the count of three, I need you to push as hard as you. One.....two....three!", says the doctor.

Michael's POV

I rush over to the left side of the bed, and grab Essences' hand. The doctor counts to three, and she pushes.

" You're doing good baby, now the doctor wants you to push one more time", I tell her over her screams.

" AHHHHH, I can't do it Michael!!!", she yells.

" Yes you can! All you have to do is push. I'm right here, I won't leave you.

" Come on Mrs.Jackson, just one more push", says the doctor. On the count of three, the doctor and I both count.

" ONE...TWO....THREE!!", on the count of three, Essences pushes with all her might, and the baby is out.

" Well it looks like you two have a little handsome baby boy", the doctor said smiling. After the doctors cleaned him up, they wrapped him in a blanket and hand him to Essences.

Essences' POV

" Oh...he's so handsome", I say taking him into my arms and rocking him slowly.

" What should we name him?", Michael asked, grabbing our baby's tiny hand.

" How about you name him?"

" Umm about.....Michael?"

" Okay...Michael Prince Jackson. Since he's our little Prince. I think that's a great name. I love it."

" I love it too. Hey, look over at the clock, it's 12:02. Christmas day! I couldn't ask for a better Christmas gift".

" Me neither. You hear that little Mikey? You were born on Christmas day."

" Yeah, so that means more presents for our little man".

" It sure does Michael. Would you like to hold him?"

" I would love to. I hand little Mikey over to Michael. I smile at the sight of him holding our baby close, and kissing him a thousand times.

" Look at such a beautiful gift we received", I said to little Mikey, as Michael put him back into my arms. Michael and I both cuddle, and admire our new born son.

" I love you two both Essences and I promise to take care of you guys both".

" And we love you to Michael....we always will".

Michael's POV

Just by looking into little Mikey's eyes, I can see his whole future ahead of him. Starting with him having my looks..Well most of my looks. I look over at Essences and the baby, who's fast asleep. I climb into the bed that their laying in, and hold both of them close.

" I never wanna lose you two", I whisper, slowly drifting asleep with Mikey and Essences both sleeping comfortably in my arms....I believe I'm the luckiest man alive!!

The End.

(A/N: Well, this book is finally finished!!! I just wanna thank everyone who voted and commented!!! The ones who actually like this story!!! I hope you all liked how I ended it!! I love you all!!!

Mwah!! xoxo)

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