[Bravely Default] Erin Lee - Florem

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Name: Erin Tai Lee

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Name: Erin Tai Lee

Age: 14 at the time of this scenario.

Gender: Female

Edea Lee (older sister)
Braev Lee (father)
Mahzer Lee (mother)

Favourite Job: Knight

Weapon[s]: Sword and shield

Appearance: Erin has a dark brown head of hair that acts similarly to Edea's: curling everywhere in large waves. Her eyes are a very light shade of green, and her skin is fairly tan. Her figure is still round, considering her young age. She wears the traditional knight suit.

Personality: Erin, despite being abnormally clumsy, acts like an independent woman, akin to her sister's personality. Erin loves to challenge herself and often works to keep a fierce impression. She likes to work alone so no one sees her when she fails. Still young, she is incredibly hot-headed and can be very difficult to work with.

Backstory: Still being edited. Erin, alongside her sister, was raised a Sky Knight to rebel against the vestals. They were both trained in the art of swordplay, but Edea was always noticeably more skilled. Erin became self-conscious, and one night decided to prove herself to her master. She snuck away from her home to find a monster that roamed the grounds, hoping to defeat it and show her father, sister, and teacher. Whilst hunting, Erin was pounced upon by a wolf, and the sword she stole from the academy was lost in the dark. Erin was only barely saved by her father, and she was punished to scrubbing the dungeons for six months.

When Erin grew to 14 years, she was faced with the trouble of saying goodbye to her sister, who had been sent to find the vestal of wind, Agnés Oblige. Being underage, Erin was not permitted to go, but she ignored this and fled her home the same night. She searched for her sister in hopes that she would find her and assist her one day - however, upon meeting with Edea, Erin argued with her sister and was told she could not join in her journey.

What followed was a narrow escape from an encounter with her guard, Alternis Dim, who was seeking to return the Lee sisters home. Erin, now without much reason to stay away from home, but not willing to return, chose to travel the lands in an attempt to prove her worth and ability to those she had left at home. She encountered those she cared about several times during her trip, but managed to stay away from home one way or another.

When she discovered that her sister Edea had made her way back to Eternia, she decided that she too would return and confront her. This is a battle which Erin wins, though immediately takes her sister to one of the white healing towers. Upon entering, the word gets out that both sisters have returned, and this is where Erin learns of the name Eternia had dubbed her with after she had left home. The people called her Eternia's Daughter as a term of endearment, and her return home was well-met.

Allegiance: Undetermined

Erin insists on working alone, which means she doesn't often get to learn from others.
She is afraid to seem weak and worries she'll never be able to fight in the war.
She is very untrusting.
She finds it difficult to think maturely, and is often naive.
Often, Erin doesn't understand why she does what she does.

Erin did not like this place. She didn't understand why anyone could love it so much, it was just filled with giggly girls who cared about nothing besides their appearance. This was the kind of place that sick people like that Ringabel guy who travelled with Edea would love.

Erin shuffled through the town square. She was forced to stay a number of days, as passage to further lands had been halted. She sat down by the edge of the town's moat, gazing into the water. It was filthy- probably due to the water crystal's state. Erin always knew Crystallism was real.

A group of girls passed Erin and, as they did, knocked her into the disgusting filth. Sputtering, Erin attempted to climb out, noticing a hand ready to help her up. Who was helping her?

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