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Kyes' Dad: OK Kyle, I need you to sit on this sled.

Kyle: Stand on the Sled, OK

Kyles dad: Sit, Kyle you need to sit

Kyle: OK im sitting:

Kyles dad turns to get find something in his back pack

Kyle rolls off of the sled and climbs about 7 feet into a tree. He grabs some snow off of a branch and packs it into a snowball, which he throwsof . SMACK! It hits his dad right in theback of his head.

Kyles dad: (impatient but not quite angry) Seriously Kyle! I tell you to sit for 3 minutes and you end up in a tree!

Kyle throws 3 more snowballs, hitting his dad on his left cheek, on his right cheek and smack dab in the middle of his forehead.

Kyles dad: OK Kyle, you have to come down now. Climb down backwards. I'll be here to catch you in case you fall.

Kyle leaps out of the tree, arms and legs extended. He lands face-first in the snow in a starfish position.

Kyles dad: Kyle! Are you OK?!?

Kyle is on his feet by now an starts running towards the tree.

Kyle: Now THAT was epic! Im gonna do it again!

Kyle stops, picks up a pinecone, puts it in his mouth and chews.

Kyle's Dad: No you are not! Kyle! Come back here!

Kyle: Uh-huh. Coming. <Continues running toward the tree> That was a good pinecone. <smacks lips> Coulda used more dirt though.

Kyles dad: <runs and grabs kyle> NO! Kyle, you need to listen buddy.

Kyle: OK i'm listening <Kyle stops, but his eyes are stuck on the tree>

Kyles dad: Kyyyyyle! Focus!

Kyle's head snaps back to his father

Kyles dad: OK we have to get this medicine to a little tiny town for some sick children. No helicopters or cars can get there right now. Do you understand?

Kyle: Well, why dont you put it on a boat?

Kyles dad: Its landlocked! And besides, all the waters frozen. But what matters is that we have to get this medicine there. OK?

Kyle: Hey look!- Pinneapple flavored snow! <Reaches down, grabs a handful and stuffs it in his mouth>

Kyles dad: Just get in the sled

Kyle: Hey dad can I hold the medicine?

Kyles dad: NO you may not. Get in the sled.

Kyle:<Picks up the whip> Hey whats this do? <cracks the whip>

The dogs, not yet harnessed to the sled, take off running.

Kyles dad: KYLE!!

Kyle eats some more pinneapple snow

Kyle: Hey too bad I didn't bring my bike

Kyles dad: Kyle! <Starts pacing in circles> We are stranded in the middle of the woods. Childrens lives could be at our hands. How could this possibly be any worse?

Kyle takes off running. He runs off of the trail through the trees. His dad runs after him. Suddenly, Kyle stops, which gives his dad- who is extremely out of breath- a chance to catch up. HIs dad stands there panting

Kyle: Cool! Now I have 2 Snowmobiles

Kyles dad: Wait what? <Looks up>

Kyle is sitting on a shiny blue snowmobile. He revs the engine.

Kyle: Cool! Just like the video game!

Kyles dad: Kyle! We're saved! <Picks up Kyle, puts him on the back of the snowmobile and takes the drivers seat> Hey! Where are the keys?

Kyle: <Dangles Keys, with a devious look on his face>

Kyles Dad: Kyyyle...

Kyle takes the medicine and does a somersault off of the snowmobile

Kyles dad: KYLE! Do you understand what is at stake here?

Kyle: Yeah, let me drive.

Kyles dad: <cringes> Fine <and moves back to the back seat>

The snowmobile takes off. Kyles face is pure joy and excitement as he drives the snowmobile through trees and across a lake

Kyles dad: KYLE you are getting us lost were way off trail!

Kyle: unless we crash and die first

Kyles dad: True

The snowmobile goes past a little town. Kyles dads eyes pop out of their sockets.

Kyles dad: KYLE turn back now that hadf to be the town!

Kyle: But I saw a cool tree!

Kyle keeps going but his dad grabs the steerage. Kyle climbs onto his dads back. They turn 180 degrees causing Kyle and his dad to lean sideways almost parallel to the ground.

The snowmobile comes to a stop in the village and a woman comes out to greet them.

Kyles dad: <Checks his watch> NO! Its not possible! Were early! Kyle?

Kyle has disappeared

Woman from the town: You are the man who brought the medicine yes?

Kyles dad: Oh yeah <hands over the medicine which is kinda banged up>

Woman from the town: Well you guys made it in record time. I suppose Garys lost snowmobile helped. Thank you for returning that. Our children will be grateful for the medecine.

Kyles dad: No problem. Have you seen my son?

Kyle (heard from a distance): HEY! Pinneaple snow!

Kyles dad runs toward his voice. (picture the look on that womans face) He finds Kyle sitting behind a woodpile in the middle of a pack of dogs -their dogs and eating yellow snow.

Kyles dad: blinks in disbelief

Kyle: Want some? <holds up a snowball in offering for his dad>

The End :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2017 ⏰

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