Chapter 9

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You tried to pull away from him or protest but when you looked around you weren't just in the forest anymore. There were tents around the outside of this circle with a bonfire in the middle. Then you realized you were in his camp. You struggled against him "nope, no struggling. You said if you lost that you'd come back to camp with me" he said holding tightly onto your ropes. You knew he was right that's what you had said but you still didn't want to give into him. You put your heels into the ground trying to stop him from bringing you closer to the camp. "Oh my god your impossible" he said, stopping and jerked you around so you were facing him. "What" you said, looking up at him your eyebrows scrunched together. Pan took a big breath calming himself "If I untie your hands will you act better" he asked. You nodded your head already knowing that as soon as the ropes were off you would run. "Okay" pan narrowed his eyes at you. Then he spun you around so he could get to your hands. "Now I don't want you to ru-" he said as the ropes came off. As soon as they came off you took off running away from him. You heard him groan behind you then he was right in front of you suddenly. You shrieked a little and stopped so you didn't run into him. It didn't work though, because you still ran right into him. Before you could do anything pan bent down and picked you up putting you over his shoulder. "Put me down" you yelled as you kicking your legs and hit his back with your fists. "You know, somehow I knew you'd try to run" he wrapped his arm around your waist, holding you in place "had a feeling you know." "Let me go" was all you yelled in response to him as you kept hitting his back. He sighed "you know that's not going to happen" he laughed a little as he kept walking. Then suddenly he put you down. You looked around seeing you were surrounded by boys and knew that you couldn't run. "Boys, we have a guest" he put his hand on your should. You jerked away from him "I want you boys to test her see if she can compete with you. So which one of you thinks you can beat her." He looked around at them. "Make sure you pick the right one though because it's going to be embarrassing if she won." You looked at pan "what are you doing" you asked "I thought I already passed your test." He smiled at you walking around so he was behind you. "Well, this is the second test" he said into your ear. Then he leaned up away from you "come on boys, I need one of you to valiantly step up." He looked around at all of them as they all looked at each other. Finally a tall boy stepped forward even taller than pan. You swallowed a little scared at how big he was. Pan smiled "Felix" he walked over to him and patted him on the shoulder. "I knew you'd come through for me." He looked back at you standing beside Felix "now go have some fun" 

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