Chapter 12

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You woke up in a bed and for a second you though everything has been just a dream. Then you looked around seeing you were in a tent. You sat up quickly "how long had you been asleep" you asked yourself. "And why can't you remember coming in here or laying down to go to sleep." You stood up out of the bed and went to walk towards the tent opening. As soon as you did that though pan was right in the opening. "Good morning sleeping beauty" he said smirking. "What did you do to me" you asked angrily. He put his hand to his chest "you know that hurts"

 He put his hand to his chest "you know that hurts"

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he said taking a step closer into your tent. You stepped back away from him as you kept looking at him angrily. "Okay okay you've got me." he put his hands up. "I did the awful thing of helping you go to sleep" he chuckled a little. Then he put his hands down and walked closer to you "don't worry love I didn't take advantage of you or anything" he said rolling his eyes a little. "You didn't even think about that" you thought to yourself as your eyes widened a little. "Although you did look quite adorable in my arms" he smiled. You shook your head confused "why was I in your arms" you asked him. "Well, I had to carry you here didn't I." he said like it was obvious. You didn't know what to say to that so you just lashed out at him. "Don't ever touch me again or mess with my head like you did. I don't want you anywhere near me." you said. Then you put your hands out "now leave me alone" you said pushing him. He caught your wrist and pulled you to him. "How rude" he said suppressing a smile. "Here I go out of my way to help you sleep after I didn't punish you for trying to hurt one of my boys and tried to run away. And this is the thanks I get. You yelling at me telling me to leave you alone." he said shaking his head a little. You hated being this close to him so you struggled to get away from him. "Let go of me" you said finally looking at up at him. As soon as you did that you saw he had this look on his face one you hadn't ever seen before. "What" you asked still struggling against him a little.

"I bet you don't really know what they did to me do you

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"I bet you don't really know what they did to me do you. How my son betrayed me not just once." He pulled you closer harshly "but twice" he said angrily. "Stop it" you yelled "it hurts" you said as his grip tightened on you. He quickly put both of your wrists in one of his hands. "I'll make you see" he pushed you down onto the bed holding your hands above your head. "Please, no stop" you basically cried. "I'm going to make you feel everything that I felt" he said leaning over you so his face was right in front of yours. "No no I believe you I believe you" you begged "you don't have to do this." He sighed "oh but I do" he brought his other hand up to your throat holding your head down. "I really do. Please please don't do this." You basically screamed your body started shivering in fear. "I'll make you see" he said one last time. Then he pressed his hand to your head and then you were back in storybrooke. You were instantly screaming from the pain in your back, but it didn't sound like your scream. Then you noticed that rumple was holding you and holding the blade in your back. You could feel everything that pan had felt and it was overwhelming. You almost felt like you deserved this. You couldn't think straight as the pain in your chest and in your back. Then your vision went black and as soon as you could see again, you were looking up at rumple again. Before you could do anything he threw you onto the ground and then you felt this pain in your chest start growing. You looked up at him with so much pain in your heart. You looked up at him and you could tell things were different this time you felt betrayed. You could tell that you had tried to mend things with him. You just wanted to go back just didn't want to be here anymore. "Why" was all you could think "why had he done this to you again." Then your vision went black again. This time when it cleared up you saw pan staring down at you. The anger was gone from his face. He was searching your face for something what you weren't sure. You felt him let go of you and he brought his hand up to your face. You flinched away from him but were stunned when he wiped a tear off of your cheek. You hadn't even noticed that you had been crying. He put his hand that had just been in your cheek under your head. Then he set you up so you were sitting in the edge of the bed. All you could do was stare at him because for the first time you realized why he was doing this. He leaned in close to you looking right into your eyes. "You understand now don't you" he said in a low voice. You still didn't say anything, just stared back. He nodded and let go of you leaving you in your tent alone.

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