|-/ part 12 |-/

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I was sitting on the couch talking to Zach if he knew what college he wanted to go to, he said he still did not know. "The lasagna is almost done (dun)" my mom said from the kitchen. Then there was a knock at the door. I got up a lot faster than you would have thought. I looked through the tiny 'peek hole' as I like to call it and noticed it was Josh, two other kids, and his parents. "Hi Joshie!" I said opening the door. "Hi mrs and mr Dun!" inviting them into the house. "And you are Jordan and Ashley?" I asked walking into the house. "Yes. And you must be Tyler?" Jordan asked shaking hands with me. I think he might be older than Josh. "Y-yeah I am T-tyler!" I said stuttering. He was also really tall. "Hi! I am Ashley! But you seem to already know that." she giggled. "Yeah! Josh talks about you sometimes." I said smiling. She looked around 12. Even though she was 12 she was as tall as me. "Hey." Josh said walking up to me when Ashley moved. "Hi." I said snuggling into him. "Why are you so snuggly?" he asked putting his arms around me. "Because I am cold and you are warm.." I said into his shirt, making my voice muffled. He giggled.

Time skip to dinner
"This is really good mrs. Joseph!" Jordan said taking another bite of the lasagna. "Well thank you! You can call me Kelly!" she said giggling taking a sip of her water. "May I be excused?" Josh asked. "Here Josh I can show you where the bathroom is." I said getting up and taking him to the upstairs one. "Why did you not take m-" I interrupted by kissing him. It was not long, but it was not short. We kissed for probably 1 minute. I broke the kiss when it started getting more heated, just to be a tease. "The bathroom is on the left." I smirked at him than ran downstairs. I sat back in my spot that was between Zach and Josh.

Time skip to after dinner
"Thank you for the wonderful dinner Kelly, it was the best lasagna I have probably ever had!" Laura said with a small laugh. "Well thank you! To bad mr. Joseph was not here tonight, but he is helping our country." My mom gave a small smile. "Your husband is in the military?" Bill asked. "Yes, he is a marine." My mom said and Bill nodded in response. "Well, kids, start getting ready to leave, I am sure Kelly, Tyler, and Zach don't want is here forever!" Kelly said to her children as she started getting up. "No, no, no it is fine! You and your family can stay as long as you like!" my mom said, then telling me to pick up everyone's plates. "Ok! Kids we can stay for one more hour. Than we can go because Josh needs to get a haircut and Ashley needs to go to soccer practise and Jordan is going out with his girlfriend tomorrow so we need to be up early. " Laura said. "So Tyler? You said you play ukulele? Could you play for me? Please?" Josh asked while we were walking up to my room. "Sure, I guess I could?" I said walking into my room and grabbing my ukulele. "Here is a song I wrote..."
She asked me son when I grow old,
will you buy me a house of gold?
And when your father turns to stone,
Will you take care of me?

She asked me son when I grow old,
will you buy me a house of gold?
And when your father turns to stone,
Will you take care of me?

I will make you queen of everything you see, I'll  put you on the map,
I'll cure you of disease,


Lets say we up and left this town, and turned our future upside down, we'll make pretend that you and me,
Lived ever after happily.

"That is all I have right now." I said with a small laugh. "Your perfect Tyler, I hope you know that." he said looking straight into my eyes

A/N how did you like dis shitty chapter ;))) *wink wonk*

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