Chapter Seven

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Morning. Ugh. Seven AM. Wait, it's not a bad morning for once! I get to bring Stephen home, and here's to three months with him, no Randy involved.

I jumped out of bed and did my morning routine extremely fast, as I was excited to go pick up Stephen from the hospital. Shower, clothes, shoes, purse, phone; check, check, check, check, andddd check. Just when I was ready to go I went to the door and there was a piece of paper someone had slid under the bottom. It had a couple of red marks on it.. I picked it up and opened it. What I read, shocking.

Dear Bella,

It's Randy. Since you were mad and didn't want to talk to me last night I figured I'd write you this.

You have no idea, no idea at all how much I love you. Hell, I can't even comprehend how much I love you sometimes, my love for you is just that strong. Somedays it hurts. My heart just wants to shatter, but I tell myself I'll get through it and continue on with my day. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know how to please you. I'm crazy, fucked up, stupid, I know. I know I slapped you and I'm so deeply sorry for that- I wish you'd forgive me. I want you to be okay again Bella. And I want to be okay too. I want you happy. Stephen does care about you and love you, and so do I. I can't even imagine what you're going through right now. The thing is I have to accept that you can only pick one of us, and it might not be me. Whatever you choose, just know I love you. I care about you, and if you need anything, you know where I am. Sorry for the blood stains by the way.

Randal Keith Orton"

So now this. Love triangle?

My heart was pounding. Of course, I still did have feelings for Randy deep deep down. It was just so hard to accept this though being he'd hurt me. I would have this scar my whole life. I couldn't live with him knowing he caused this. The funny thing is, he hated me until we well.. Did things.. That night. He couldn't have cared less about me before that. Now suddenly he's writing me love notes and trying to keep me.

"Fuck it." I folded the note and stuffed it in my purse, then left to go pick up Steve.

When I got to the hospital Steve was sitting in the waiting room. He looked up from his phone and saw me. He had a brace on his shoulder and a sling for support.

"Hey there Bella, you're early!" He smiled.

"I know. I missed you." I stood on front of him.

"I missed you too beautiful." He stood and picked up his bag.

"You ready for two months of nothing but chillin?" I walked out of the hospital with him and to my car.

"I'm so ready, I could use this. It just sucks I have to be injured." He groaned and got in the passengers seat beside me in drivers.

"You didn't have to take off you know." He said, placing his bag on the floor.

"I'd never leave you alone like you are now for two months. I'd feel bad." I turned the key in the ignition and pulled off onto the interstate.

"So what's with you and Randy, are you two a thing yet?" He asked. I thought of the note, which in a way did break my heart a little.

"No. We aren't a thing. He wants to be though. He um.. Wrote me something.." I trailed off, afraid of making Steve angry.

"What is it?" Stephen asked.

"It's in my purse.. I think he cut himself. There's blood on it."

"Can I see it?" Stephen asked.

"You won't get mad at me?" I sighed and picked up my purse.

"No. I won't." He looked over at me, and I handed him the note. He read it carefully, and touched one of the blood stains.

"What are you going to do Bella, he's hurt."

"I don't know. I need to do something. He's hurting himself and that's not good Steve." My heart did hurt. I felt like it was my fault. And.. Somewhere in me I still loved him..

"You need to go visit him when we get back to the hotel."

"I guess. I really don't know what to think. He slaps me in the face and calls me shit, then he sucks up to me and acts like it never happened. I don't know what to tell him." I parked the car in the hotel parking lot and shut the car off.

"Listen, I'll go to our room. You go see Randy. Just be careful lass." He looked at me and smiled.

"Alright. Be careful." I pecked his cheek and got out of the car. He did also. I went directly to Randy's room and knocked.

"Who is it." He yelled.

"Me!" I yelled back.

"Come in." I opened the door and found him on the bed.

"So, you decided to come back?"

"Yes. I found your note. Why'd you cut yourself?" I sat beside him.

"Because. I hurt you. I deserved it." His face became red, and his eyes watery.

"You may have hit me, but you don't deserve to be hurt. I don't want you cutting yourself." I looked down at his wrists, which rested on his lap. "Where did you cut yourself.." I laid my hand on his knee.

"On my wrist.." He sighed, and turned his arm over to reveal seven lines on his wrist.

"Randy. I'm sorry." I grabbed his hand on the wrist he cut.

"Don't be sorry, I hurt you." He sighed. "I'm sorry." Randy shut his eyes and a tear slipped from under his eyelids.

"Please don't do this." I wiped the tear with my finger. He opened his eyes. I lifted his wrist to my face and kissed his cuts, each one of them.

"I'm sorry. So sorry." He sobbed. I put my hand on his face and leaned into him, putting my arms around him. I held him, his head on my shoulder as he cried.

So many thoughts ran through my mind. 'What about Stephen? What do I do. I care about them both, and love them both. Dammit, love triangles are horrible. But seriously I don't want to hurt either of them, it's just so hard. So hard. It's almost painful.'

"I'm sorry too." I sighed and pulled out of the hug. Randy wiped his face and calmed down, then came face to face with me.

"Listen. I need to go take care of Stephen. You'll be okay. Just stay strong." I patted his chest and stood up ready to leave the room.

"Bella. Thanks."

"What for?" I turned around.

"Helping me. Thanks for everything, but listen when I say this. Stephen needs you. He needs you a lot. Go love him. Bella he loves you. The way he looks at you it's undeniable. Take good care of him. And if someday you two don't fall through, I'll still be here. Just go with him Bella. You two were meant for each other." Randy smirked.

"You mean it?" I stopped and stared at him.

"Yes. I want you with him. He needs happiness Bella. I've seen him in tears. He thinks he'll never find the right one, he'll never have a girl to call his own, but he will. And that girl is you. Go give him your heart. We can still be friends. You two just need each other. Make it happen." He smiled. I did the same. Maybe I wouldn't get stuck in some love triangle. Maybe it'd turn out the way I hoped. Just one of them being mine. One to love, to care for, to be with. One to call mine.

Fight For You (A WWE fanfic) (Sheamus/Randy Orton Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now