Ch20: Snowflake.

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White, is all I saw. It would break anybody into insanity. Surprisingly, I haven't went insane. Calmness, peacefulness, harmony was all I felt.

Was I dead?

That was a question I asked myself everyday.

Endlessly roaming around hoping to find some sort of exit was my only goal in this realm of sheer white. The cloths that hugged my body was a baby blue dress that reached to my knees, and had creamy white rose designs at the bottom.

Ive been sitting down for about who knows how long. To be honest, I don't know how long I've been in this realm. Days? Weeks? Months? Years? Who knows.

Standing on both feet, I began walking.

To where, I don't know. While walking I felt a breeze. A breeze of air. My eyes lit up in excitement as the fragment of wind brushed passed my leg. Walking faster towards where the wind came from I saw trees that were white but had a green glow to it. Passing the trees my bare feet touched healthy green grass. Wiggling my toes, I closed my eyes as I enjoyed the texture of the dirt beneath my feet.

"its time adora." whispered a female voice.

"Time for what?" i said back.

The once glowing trees began to crumple turning black. The grass began to disappear into nothing. Turning around I began to run away from the scene before me. The white ground began to fall as if a sinkhole had just appeared. Not being able to escape I felt my feet against the edge. As the white ground fell I attempted to grab the edge of another stable rock, but my hand had slipped.

"No, no, no, no!" I yelled outloud.

as I yelled, I felt myself falling. I fell into a pit of nothingness falling into a bright white light.

Darkness. I felt my body, the fear, the heartbreak, the pain. I now know, Im no longer in the white realm of harmony.

I attempted to open my eyes, but I found it very difficult. Its as if my body was in sleep mode. At least I know I'm not dead.

"doctor she hasn't woken up. Do something!" yelled a feminine voice.

"I've told you countless times Linda, we can't do anything for her in this state." said a man whom I assume is a man. Linda's here? I need to speak to her.

"mmmmm" I managed to mumble out.

"did you hear that?" asked Linda .

"Heard what? I think you're on the brink of insanity Linda." said the doctor. Feeling frustrated, I used all my strength to open my eyes. Opening them slowly, I only faced blurriness. Blinking a few times my eyes finally readjusted to the brightness of the room.

"Oh thank the moon goddess you're okay adore!" Linda said as tears brimmed at the edge of her eyes.

"yeah." I whispered.

"I'm going to run some test on her, ill be right back." said the doctor and walked out of the room.

I looked back at Linda who sat on a chair right next to my hospital bed. "Adora I need to know what happened.. to you."

The beatings. Alden. My mate.

Should I tell Linda? what would she do? she doesn't hold much power other then being the betas sister. I don't want nothing to happen to her if she tried to get justice.

"not-" I began to say before she cut me off. "bullshit! don't nothing me,  because I know it was not just nothing. who did it?" she questioned again.

I closed my eyes inhaling deeply. As much as I hated the white realm I was at, Ide rather much be there than here at the moment.

opening my eyes I looked back at Linda who looked worried. "Alden did it." I choked out.

Many emotions swirled in her eyes. She looked down at the ground not meeting me in the eye. Her hair fell shielding her face from my sight.

"Why did he do it?" she asked me.

Something felt wrong here. I'm missing something here. "wheres Leo?" I blurted out.

Linda looked back up at me. "I don't think now is the best time to talk about him."

"please tell me." I begged. She sighed before sitting up straight again.

"Hes in the dungeon." she slowly began.


"let me finish please." Linda said. "He had been visiting you and demanded justice to Alden. Alden sent Leo to the dungeon for disobeying orders and attacking guards."

My eyes began to feel watery. Leo doesn't deserve to be in the dungeon, he's the good guy here. Not the other way around.

"How long has he been there?"

"3 months." she said cautiously.

My watery eyes began releasing tears as I've been giving this information. Three months of being in that realm, Three months of Leo being In that dungeon. Three months of worrying Linda. Three months of being gone.

"Why did Alden do it?"

"I tried to reject him. He's my mate." I said as I wiped my tears away. "please do not tell anybody." I begged. Linda's eyes held sympathy but she simply nodded.

"I must leave, I have beta duties to continue with." she stood up and rushed to my side to give me a light hug. She said her goodbyes and left me alone with the silence that consumed the room.

My eyes led me to the cream walls of the hospital room.

What am I to do now?

Those girls who had lone wolfs as mates. Certainly killing myself wouldn't do anything good. Rejecting him, I tried. I ended up worst then before.

I'm lost moon goddess.

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