Ch23: looking for you

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I was going to look for Leonardo.

He's been in the dungeon for weeks now. I've abandoned him. I haven't attempted to look for him nor even tried. Is he even alive? I don't believe Alden would've imprisoned him. He couldn't have done that, Alden is fond of Leo.

Walking around the room, I walked towards the door courage flowing through my veins. Reaching for the knob, I slowly began to turn in. Realization hit me. That bastard had locked the door.

"Ughhhhh!" I groaned out loud.

I kicked the door wanting to feel better. I sighed leaning my head against the door. Closing my eyes I began to pray to the moon goddess that somehow, everything would be okay.

Leaning away the lights switched off.

"What the-" i said staring at complete darkness. I raised my hands reaching against the walls hoping to find lights which was unsuccessful.
I heard a creek. My whole body was now on full alert. Ivory was growling in my head alerting me I should be careful. A growl escaped from my mouth alerting I am threatened by an uninvited presence.

That's when pain soured through my head making me go unconscious.

Eyes flickering open I groaned as I slowly got up.

"Shhh shh take it easy." A voice soothed.

"Huh?" I asked. Pressing my hands into my face, I rubbed my eyes trying to get used to the darkness of the room. Gaining back full conscious, I turned around only to have happiness surged through me.

"Leonardo!" I yelled jumping into his arms. His arms wrapped around me, hugging me tightly. His embrace made me feel safe, even if he wasn't my mate, sometimes I feel as if he was.

"Oh thank the moon goddess." I managed to gasp out. Tears began to make an appearance at the corner of my eyes.

"Yeah." He chuckled. "Could be better."

Pulling away from his embrace I took in his appearance. What I saw took my breath away. Leonardo had cuts on his face. Purple blue black eye swollen as well as regular bruises.
Lowering my gaze he had many cuts running down his arms diagonally and horizontally. His ragged shirt held dried blood as well as holes. His shorts were riddled with dirt and dried blood.

My hands caressed his cheeks. "What happened to you?"

"You don't want to kno-"

"I want to know." I said though gritted teeth. This was infuriating. How could Alden let his beta do this to him?

"I don't want to cause any more problems adora." He whispered.

"Tell me" I insisted.

"Alden threw me into prison for seeking justice against the person who put you in the hospital." He frowned.

Sighing, I grabbed his hand as my gaze fell to the ground. I can't tell him who hurt me. Or should I? Would it be a wise move?

"Who was it?" He asked. I stayed silent not knowing if I wanted to tell him.

"Adora." He insisted again but with a hint of frustration.

"Alden. He beat me."

Silence descended upon us. Neither of us saying a single word. His hand slowly retreated from my grip. He inhaled deeply.

"I'm going to kill that son of a bitch." Leonardo's voice roared. Looking back up I saw Leonardo's expression. He was furious.

He stood up and began banging on the cell bars.

"Stop it leo!" I yelled attempting to grab him and pull him back.

A guard appeared. "What's the meaning of this?" He sneered.

"I demand you to take me to Alden right now!" He roared.

The guard glared at him. "Piss off leo." He spat. "You have no power around here anymore." He turned around before walking away.

"I hate him." He whispered leaning his head against the cell bars.

"It's okay." I attempted to sooth him.

"No it's not. No man should ever lay a hand on a woman." He paused for a second before turning around to face me. "Why did he beat you?"

My face paled. "Uhm.." I paused. "I made a mistake which caused him to become angry." I lied. Or attempted to lie.

He nodded and sat back down. I joined Him and sat next to him.

"I've missed you." I confessed.

He chuckled. "I've missed you too. You have no idea how much I have. It's been horrible not knowing the state you were in. The guards refused to tell me anything."

"Well that's a mutual feeling." I said. "What now?"

"Now we have to wait what awaits us."

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