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"Your heart races, your tummy gets tied up in knots, and you're on an emotional roller coaster, feeling deliriously happy one minute and anxious and desperate the next."

      Amelia Vern had always hated frigid Massachusetts with its wet, stupid snow, and even more, its stupid people. She was a stubborn, quiet, fifteen year old with long sable hair and beautiful hazel eyes with flecks of gold. Everyone around her saw her as an upset, unattached introvert. She had always kept to herself but had a heart of gold. Unfortunately no one else got the opportunity to see that side of her. Once, she had even nursed a baby swallow back to health. That's the sort of girl she really was.

      Amelia walked over to the window and reflected on her white surroundings. The snow flurried ferociously like blustering bees. Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Danny Perrin. Danny was a curious boy with rich ginger hair and bright green eyes. Amelia gulped. She was not prepared for Danny. A thousand times she told him and a thousand times he didn't listen. He made his way over and she heard a loud knock on the door.

      As Amelia stepped outside and Danny came closer, she could see the fair smile on his face.

"Look Danny, i'm not really in the mood." She looked down at her feet when she talked, afraid to see the torn expression on Danny's face. "What do you want?"

      Danny gazed with the affection of 100 tactless doves. He said, in a hushed tone, "I don't know how to keep telling you this but, I will." He took a step closer and put his hands on her narrow shoulders. "I'm in love with you and I always will be."

      Amelia pushed away and looked back, even more dismal than before. It hurt her but she had to do it. No matter what she really felt, she was too afraid to let anyone back in. She had only made that mistake once before and wasn't prepared for the same outcome. "Danny, I just want to be fr-" she tried to reply but was interrupted with a kiss. He grasped her face and pulled closer. Amelia was caught off guard for a second. Standing out in the stinging weather she melted away in Danny's arms then quickly pulled away.

      They stared into each others eyes, the snow dancing around them like a perfectly synced ballet of beautiful white swans.

      Amelia studied his ginger hair and green eyes. Eventually, she shook her head slowly and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry," began Amelia in apologetic tones, "but I don't feel the same way, and I never will. I just don't love you Danny." To get those words out it had hurt her more than he would ever know it had. He wasn't the only one in pain at the moment.

      Danny looked blank, his emotions scattered across the snow.

      Amelia could actually hear Danny's heart shatter into a thousand pieces, one for every time she had cracked it. It had finally broken. Without a word, not even a single breath, Danny hurried off into the distance with his head hung down. That was the last time, the last chance she had to tell him how she truly felt. She whispered to herself, "I lied, I do love you Danny." She wept into her cold dry hands, "I always have." As she turned around her heart shattered too. But now there was no one left to pick up the pieces.

      Then she went back in slowly closing the door. For the rest of the day she sat, staring out of the foggy window, wondering about what would never be.

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