Just About Everything

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Hello Wattpaders,

so I got this really weird idea that I can't get out of my head. I was slowly killing my cell phone battery (listening to some music with my Beats and completely oblivious to everything else, reading some new updates) as usual and I thought....."some of those lyrics are so great! It's almost like a movie in my head. It's such a shame that there are so many great songs and no one ever filmed what I'm thinking when I'm listening to them."(: Okay, I know, that's stupid and pretty narcissistic, but bear with me. And I thought about how people here have so many great ideas as to what to write about and that it's practically unfair. I just read their work and... well... I'm too lazy to write something myself.

Anyway, why not? I decided that since I keep slowly killing my battery every day, I should do something about it and since my inspiration is .... pretty close to nonexistent, I'll use the lyrics and make a short-stories out of some songs that I like. I know it's not probably the most original thought and I know that it'll be pretty weird, boring and maybe even crazy but I'm convinced it's the least I can do to repay karma and all of the great authors out there.

Basically JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING will be a compilation of short-stories. Each story will be based on the lyrics of one song. I'll never tell the name of the song at the beginning so those who want to guess can do so. Also each story can be a different genre, depends on what the song is about. The number of chapters is not known yet, it depends on whether someone will read them or not.

Well, I guess that's it. I don't know when I'm going to post following chapters, but the first one should be online in about a week. Also, I'd like to remind everyone that English is not my first language. I'll do my best and try to do a minimum of mistakes but I know that it won't be perfect, so please keep that in mind.

Thank you, whoever you are dear reader, for giving this weird idea a chance. I hope that the actual stories will be worth your while.

Also, leave a message or comment with your opinion on Just About Everything if you want to.

See you soon :)

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