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After a short break there is another chapter of JAE. Yes, finally I made time for it, decided to write and put this story out of my head.

Now, as you know, I said that I'd write a little something to some of you great people and here is the first one. There are more on the way, this is just the beginning.

So, here it is. This one goes to xHMVLx, thank you for great conversations and videos as well as the stories you write, hope you enjoy it. ;)

Excuse my nonexistent rhyming skills.



1879 - The Present

Lady Elsa Nolden, the prototype of a proper authority, stoicism and disdain. Her fair skin the color of ivory, the cold blue eyes that resemble the ocean with their depth, the proud line of the nose and the permanent line of her lips, the unmoving pillars of light pink securing the secrets of the mighty sovereigns.

Not a hair is out of place,

instead all of it bound in a twist,

the cocoon made of golden lace.

The clothing shows the importance of its owner,

the one that's made to quietly stand out,

not flashy yet sewn from the finest fabrics,

that the man has ever found.

The picture of true power,

the sight to behold.

That is who the crowd sees daily, nevertheless she must be bold.

And the most powerful of weapons, the shield of the utmost importance, the expression that could shatter icebergs and make the enemy quiver,

almost like a one big fence.

Firmly put on,

but now it wavers.

Something's amiss, does she dare?

Sitting here and slightly frowning,

the smoky gray soul almost bare.

Losing control,

memories now take the reins and for few minutes,

if not more,

her inner self opens the door, melting all the ice away.

On the paper there is written,

a short note, an invite of sorts.

The other lady, neighbour even, wants her over for a tea.

Come to me, let's seize the hour, leave the problems of past be.

Lady Elsa doubts those lines, never trusting other soul,

even though the stone walls crumble,

doubtful intent, her heart coal.

The sound of footsteps makes her flinch,

now she's back and I'm not blind,

averts her eyes and voice goes cold,

she lets me leave and shuts the door,

not leaving an inch.

Now, let me tell you the whole story,

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