Chapter 8: Understanding

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"Lydia?" Lyra called out. The shadow moved closer, and when Lyra saw their face, it wasn't Lydia. It was a man dressed in steel armour and iron boots, and he was equipped with a longbow and a sheath of iron arrows. The image of crossed swords on a blue background could be seen on his back. Lyra knew he was the one who had been hunting earlier. He was someone who hunted down those who used magic for evil, and he was trying to find someone. "She's not here," he said to Lyra. "But let me know if you do come across her; I'm looking for her as well."

After hearing this, Lyra was shocked. Sure, she may have been expecting that in the back of her mind, but she was still taken by surprise upon the fact being spoken aloud. It seemed too terrifying, too real, that someone wanted Lydia dead.

"She was here," the man continued on, "With that serpent of hers. We got him--but she got away before we could get her too."

"Why are you looking for her?" asked Lyra.

"She was one who used magic for evil. Hypnotizing people, turning the muses to stone and such. With the flute that, luckily, has been passed on to Melody."

"I know the story," Lyra sighed. "But if it makes you feel better she's powerless now."

"Still," he said, "We all agree that the world will be safer without her."

"Well...I'll be on my way now," Lyra stated quickly, passing him and walking ever more quickly, afraid of what would have happened if the man had found out she sympathized with Lydia. As she came across the next landmark, she broke into a run. She needed to find her before they did. To protect her. She felt obligated to do so, something she still did not fully understand. She hoped to be able to soon. She heard movement nearby, and she turned toward the sound. She aimed her gauntlet, ready to use a spell if she needed to. But when she saw who it was, she stopped. It was Lydia.

"Lydia?" asked Lyra. She lowered her arm. "I've been looking for you."

"I was on my way to the diamond castle," said Lydia. "To speak to you, actually. This seems to have worked out perfectly." She noticed Lyra's gauntlet. "Where did you get that?"

"Phaedra gave it to me so I could protect myself," explained Lyra.

"I see," said Lydia. "To get back, we'll have to walk, I'm afraid."

"I know," said Lyra. "I just came across one of the men who shot him."

"Who was he?" asked Lydia as they began walking.

"I don't know his name, but he hunts down people who use magic for evil intent...he was looking for you. I managed to get away before he figured out why I was looking for you."

"If I'm being hunted, then we should try and get to the Diamond Castle quickly," Lydia stated. Lyra nodded. As they walked, Lydia frequently glanced at Lyra out of the corner of her eye, noting just how pretty she was. She looked so innocent and peaceful, even with the chilly weather and the situation they were facing. Because of that situation, Lydia couldn't understand, for the life of her, why the apprentice had been so quick to trust her. She wasn't used to that, yet she was glad for it. At least someone would listen.

They made it to Riverstone just as the sun began to set, and once again Lyra found herself inside the inn. She made sure Jeremy noticed her before anyone else did, so that he knew what was going on in case anyone here still held a grudge against Lydia. "Hi, Jeremy," she said as Jeremy made his way over to her.

"Hello, Lyra," replied Jeremy. "So this is who you were looking for. I am wondering, though...does she intent to harm anyone here?"

"No," Lydia answered. "I don't. I don't even have my--well, Melody's flute, for that matter."

"You can trust her," added Lyra. "We just need a place to stay for tonight."

"I'll go get Edgar and see what he can do," said Jeremy. "And I'll let him know what you told me."

"Thank you," Lyra said. Jeremy walked away to go find Edgar, and Lydia glanced at Lyra. "How can me so easily?"

"I see good in you," Lyra answered truthfully. "It's trying to get out, and I can tell you want it to. And I believe everyone deserves a second chance."

"Thank you," Lydia found herself saying. "Can I tell you something? When I was frozen, it was hard to hear, and impossible for me to see anything or even breathe normally, but I kept hearing your voice whenever you spoke to me. Your voice sounded most...clear out of everything I heard while under that spell. I don't entirely understand why."

"Well, I had a dream about you," Lyra admitted. "But it ended before you got a chance to speak, so when I awoke I was kind of disappointed. That was when I realized I wanted to free you. I've sort of felt--"

She was cut off, however, by Jeremy returning, with Edgar by his side. "You're all set," he said. Edgar handed them a key and pointed upstairs. "Room 7."

"Thank you," Lyra said once more, taking the key from his hand and making her way upstairs. The room had two beds, and a chest for storing things in. It was averagely lit, so they could see fine. Lyra set her belongings on the floor next to her bed, which Silver jumped up onto and curled up instantly.

"Where did you find her?" asked Lydia, petting the small cat gently as she sat down next to her and Lyra.

"I found her just outside one of the shops here in the village," replied Lyra. "She's a very sweet cat. I named her Silver."

"Nice name," Lydia remarked. "What were you saying earlier?"

"I was saying how...I've sort of felt drawn to you for awhile," said Lyra. "I feel like I need to be there for you, protect you, that sort of thing."

"I admit, the feeling is mutual," Lydia replied, looking away for a moment. "But I also think we both need some sleep." She got up and made her way to her own bed. "Goodnight, Lyra."

"Goodnight," Lyra replied, and lying down, she shifted Silver over slightly so she had enough room. Silver gave a small meow of protest, but then curled up next to Lyra once again as Lyra began to drift off to sleep, feeling accomplished and happy that she had succeeded in her mission. The only thing left to do was to explain everything to the Muses...

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