Looking after Emily

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Vilu: Leon wake up
Leon: Not today
Vilu: Come on babe
Leon: No leave me to sleep
Vilu: okay
Leon: Thank you
She got up and got dressed and she made breakfast and the door went
Vilu: *Opens the door* Francesca what are you doing here?
Fran: I need to talk to Leon
Vilu: He's still asleep
Fran: Can I go up and see Him?
Vilu: I don't know if he will talk to you that's if
Fran: Can I try?
Vilu: Can't you just tell me and then I will pass on the message
Fran: No this needs to be with Leon
Vilu: Why can't I know?
Fran: Because your not meant to know
She went upstairs to Leon Nd saw him asleep and she woke him up
Leon: *Half asleep* Fran what you doing here?
Fran: I'm here to tell you about Tomas
Leon: What about him?
Fran: He wants to know when your wedding day is
Leon: Why so he can kidnap violetta?
Fran: Wait you Know?
Leon: I found out yesterday
Fran: What are you going to do?
Leon: Tell him a fake date
Fran: Yeah but what date?
Leon: any date
Fran: Okay but aren't you scared that he might steal violetta?
Leon: I'm terrified to lose her
Fran: Are you really?
Leon: Yeah I love her so much and I don't want to lose her so I think I want to get married to her quickly before Tomas does something
Fran: Unless you have a private party in a secret place
Leon: Yeah but he will find us
Fran: Listen to me you will be fine
Leon: No he will find her even if we moved the country
Vilu was listening behind the door
Fran: But what are you going to do?
Leon: I have an idea but I need to get everyone together
Fran: Great meet us at the studio
Leon: Okay
Fran left and saw vilu behind the door
Leon: Come here baby
Vilu: Can't believe you
Leon: No baby you got it wrong
Vilu: What so you didn't hide the fact that Tomas is looking for me
Leon: Look I did but it was for your protection
Vilu: You are just like my Dad
Leon: Woah I'm not close to him
Vilu: Oh really he kept lying to me to protect me but really he was hurting me just like you are doing
Leon: No this is a different thing
Vilu: *Took his phone and went on his gallery and saw a video of Tomas and lara* You lied to me Leon
Leon: No I didn't I just didn't tell you its different
Vilu: So that's why you came home from the shop shouting at me and slamming doors because of him
Leon: Yeah
Vilu: Maybe you told me there was nothing to worry about
Leon: Yeah well there's not
Leon: Your such a drama queen
Viku: Excuse me??
Leon: You heard
Vilu: Oh me getting kidnapped on my wedding day makes me a drama queen
Leon: Stop Violetta you got it wrong
Vilu: No I have it right
Leon: Look just go downstairs Angie will be here soon with Emily
Vilu: Yeah and just hope I can look after her without you
Leon: Good to know
Vilu: Wait your not going to be Here?
Leon: *Getting dressed* Baby I'll be right back
Vilu: No Leon *Holds his arms* You promised you wouldn't leave me alone
Leon: Baby I'm just around the corner a minute I won't be long Angie's not coming till 5pm it's only 11am I'll be back before 5pm don't worry
Vilu: Okay see you
Leon kissed her cheek and left to the studio

Federico: Finally your here Leon: Yeah well I haven't got long I need to be back by five Maxi: Why?Leon: Because Vilu's looking after Angie's daughter and she needs my help Broduey: Okay we were thinking about the plan and we told the girls maybe ...

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Federico: Finally your here
Leon: Yeah well I haven't got long I need to be back by five
Maxi: Why?
Leon: Because Vilu's looking after Angie's daughter and she needs my help
Broduey: Okay we were thinking about the plan and we told the girls maybe we should trick Tomas
Leon: trick him how?
Andres: As in we dress the girls up as Vilu and then Tomas will kidnap one of them thinking it's violetta but it's not because Vilu is walking down the aisle to you
Leon: No that's to complicated
Federico:  But it's not
Leon: Yes it is how will we get the right bride down the aisle
Federico: Easy we will put the vail down one of the girls and put her outside by the door ready to walk down the aisle but we will take vilu to her dad a amd she will be down the aisle and one of the girls will be with Tomas
Leon: See that's sounds complicated
Andres: Its not, it's because we are speaking through it
Leon: So when we do it,it will be easier really
Boys: Yes
Fran: Do you like the idea?
Leon: Yes, no I'm not sure
Cami: Well it will be fine
After a while
It was ten past 5 amd the boys have been planning this for ages and Leon forgot the time
Leon: shit guys I'm late for Vilu I got to go
Guys: See you tomorrow
Leon: Yeah bye
He went home
Leon couldn't find his keys
Leon: *Feels for his keys* Shit I forgot my keys *Knocks on the door*
Vilu: *Opens it* Your late where have you been?
Leon: Sorry baby I lost track of time is Emily here?
Emily: Uncle Leon your here
Leon: Yeah hey Emily
Vilu: I can't do this I've been shaking
Leon: Shh calm down I'm here Vilu we can do this together you'll be fine
Emily was playing with Leon's hair
Vilu: Emily time for food
Emily: Okay
Vilu took her food out for her but she felt wobbly on the way and nearly dropped but Leon took the plate of her and held her up and she cuddled him while he gave her dinner
Vilu: *Runs into the bedroom* I can't do this Leon
Leon: You can it's just practice
Leon: Shh your shouting she's only downstairs now calm down I'm here nothing is going to happen now go back down there and be the sister to her
Vilu: Your right I'm being stupid she's my little sister for crying out loud
Leon: Yeah and your acting really childish now go downstairs and look after her
Vilu: *Puts her hands around his neck* you won't leave right?
Leon: I'm not going anywhere
She went back downstairs and saw Emily on the sofa watching a film
Vilu: *Sits next to her and looks at Leon* What are you watching beauty?
Emily: A happy ever after
Leon: Aww thats cool
Vilu: Yeah *Puts her hands around her*
Leon: *Does a thumbs up to her* Your doing well baby
Vilu and Emily watched the film while Leon got the door
Leon: *Opens the door* Hey Lara what you doing here?
Lara: Can I come in?
Leon: Uh nows not really a good time
Lara: Please only a minute
Leon: Okay go into the kitchen
Lara went into the kitchen 
Vilu: Who was at the door?
Leon: Lara?
Vilu: What is that she -devil doing here?
Leon: Baby stay here with Emily while I talk to her
Vilu: No let me talk to her you look after Emily
Leon: Baby go sit down I'll sort it
Vilu: No Leon that Bitch isn't welcome here how dare you let her in this household
Leon: Baby no swearing Emily here
Vilu: I couldn't Fucking care less I want that bitch out of my Fucking house
Vilu: I will stop when you get her out
Leon: Baby I'll sort it
Emily: Uncle Leon what does Bitch mean?
Leon: Now you've done it
Vilu: Don't worry honey you'll know when your older
Emily: What about the Fucking? 
Leon: You just taught a 2 year old bad words well done Violetta Angie's going to kill you when she finds out
Emily: I want to know what that word means?
Leon: Nothing sweetie ignore your older sister she was just angry
Vilu: Leon what have I done?
Leon: You just taught your little sister that swearing is good for her
Vilu: Sort out Lara while I sort out this situation
Leon: No Vilu go to bed now
Vilu: What are you grounding me?
Leon: Yes I am now Get to bed now
Vilu: Okay daddy
Leon: don't call me daddy you need to learn your lesson
Vilu went up to bed and started to cry
Leon: Okay Lara I can't do this right now I have something to sort out
Lara: I understand bye
Leon: bye
She left
Leon: Okay Emily listen to me what you heard from violetta there not good words okay so don't use them okay otherwise your mom and dad are going to be angry and you don't want that do you?
Emily: No uncle Leon
Leon: Good girl now go up to bed
Emily went up to the bedroom that was for her and Leon walked up to Vilu and saw her crying on the bed
Leon: *Cuddles her* Shh it's okay
Vilu: Leon I'm going to be an awful mother
Leon: No you won't
Vilu: Leon I taught my little sister that swearing is good
Leon: Shh look we all learn these things but you will be a amazing mother
Vilu: No I wont I deserve children I'm just a bad influence on kids
Leon: Hey everyone learns amd makes mistakes so don't worry you will be amazing when you have your own baby you know it
They all fell asleep After a while

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