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Angie: Hey vilu how about tomorrow you look after Emily because your father's taking me out so I need someone to look after Emily will you?
Vilu: *Not thinking* Sure I will
Angie: Great I'll see you tomorrow *Hugs violetta* Come on Emily
Vilu: Leon I can't believe I just said I will take care of someone's baby and I can't even carry my own
Leon: Baby calm down you can do it
Vilu: Not on my own I can't
Leon: Yeah well your not alone I'll be here to help you
Vilu: Maybe your right it might not be so bad
Leon: Yeah but I got to go to the shop I'll be back soon
Vilu: Can I come?
Leon: No stay here it's cold outside
Vilu: Okay
He went to the shop but on the way he saw Lara and Tomas talking and he hid behind the tree and took his phone out and recored it
Lara: But Tomas Leon escaped that's means he's hard to catch
Tomas: Yeah but his stupid fiancée is easy because she's so nieve that she believes anything
Lara: So what the plan??
Tomas: I'm going to find out when leonetta's wedding is so I can kidnap violetta and take her to Spain where she will become my bride and Leon will think that she's has second thoughts and not turn up
Lara: But how will you find out about the wedding??
Tomas: From you I want you to go to Ludmila and Fran or anyone who is close to violetta so they can tell you when their wedding is and then our plan will be set
Lara: Great
Tomas: So let's get started
They left
Leon: I should've known he wouldn't leave without violetta
He went to the shop and went home but when he got him he slammed the door shut
Vilu: Woah leave the door there
Leon: Not now
Vilu: Well you didn't have to slam the door like that
Vilu stayed quiet and just sat back on the sofa
Leon: I'm sorry baby
Vilu: *In whiney voice* you didn't have to shout at me like that
Leon: I know I'm sorry I shouldn't have shouted like that
Vilu: Why are you shouting is it because I told Angie I would look after Emily
Leon: No baby
Vilu: Because I'm only doing because she needs a night out
Leon: Sorry baby it's not looking after Emily it's another thing but you don't have to worry
Vilu: Well has to be something to worry about to make you shout like that
Leon: I'm just fed up of liars
Vilu: Me??
Leon: No baby not you
Vilu: Then who?
Leon: Don't worry, why don't you go up to bed mm?
Vilu: Okay
Leon: I love you baby
Vilu: Me too *Kisses his cheek*
She went up to bed
Leon: Right now I've had enough of Tomas if he thinks he's stealing my girlfriend he has one thing coming
Vilu: What's Tomas got coming?
Leon: Baby I thought I told you to go to bed?
Vilu: you were talking out loud
Leon: Oh sorry baby
Vilu: But what has Tomas done I thought he left
Leon: He has he's in Spain
Vilu: So why do you still care about him??
Leon: No reason baby
Vilu: Why do I feel like your lying to me??
Leon: I'm not go on up to bed
Vilu: Okay but your acting really weird
Leon: Yeah yeah
Vilu's pov
What's wrong with Leon, he's acting weird ever since he came back for the shop has he seen Tomas is that way he's so angry because I've never seen him this angry before even when Diego planned against me he wasn't this mad what's gotten him so upset but guessing isn't going to get me anywhere. I think I need to talk to Leon now before he does something he regrets
She cuddled up to her pillow and after a while she felt Leon get into bed
Leon: Night sweetheart *Kisses her head*
Vilu: Night baby boy
Vilu took her pillow and put it on his chest
Leon: Baby why have you got to lie on me?
Vilu: Because your more comfy than the bed
Leon: *Puts his hands around her waist* Okay just this once
Vilu: Why?
Leon: Because I can't move so this is the only time you can lie on me
Vilu: Leon what's got you so Upset?
Leon: I'm not upset
Vilu: You were fine earlier then when you came back from the shop you have been shouting
Leon: It's nothing baby, go to sleep
Vilu fell asleep on his chest and he kissed her head and fell asleep

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