who says we have cold hearts?

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Bellas POV

I woke up to the obnoxious sounds of my alarm clock. I had programmed it to play Carried Away by Passion Pit, since I always felt awake after listening to it.

Normally I'd fall back asleep peacefully for at least 5 minutes, but I was feeling nervous. My stomach was all flip-floppy and I felt the butterflies fly all the way down my legs.

Today was my first day at my new high school. I was more of a modest kind of dresser, not wearing anything too gaudy. But I wanted to make a good impression.

Should I wear this sweatshirt? No, too casual. This cardigan? No, too fancy! Ugh! Bella why are you thinking so much! Just put on a damn T-shirt.

I had never lived anywhere other than my hometown, and wasn't used to this town yet. We had moved because of mom's job. Dad and mom had split when I was 10, and I only see him on weekends.

I wanted to look presentable today. Today was the day I would find new friends, better than the ones back home. If you could even call them friends.

I had lost track of time while picking out my jeans that I almost missed my bus. The bus! I dreaded the bus. Luckily there were no seniors and basically no juniors on it, or I would have been in a much worse state of panic.

Once the bus pulled up to school, I spent about 15 minutes looking for my class. B103, where was B hall? Here was A hall, and then D...what? Shouldn't A be next to B? Ugh...

I heard the bell ring and less and less people were in the hall, making me stress out even more than I already was. Finally! I found it! Wait, no, this is C103...which means B103 is this next hall...

I finally found my room at the end of the hall and scrambled to get in. I scanned the room, seeing two boys laughing at their chromebooks, a girl typing silently, a boy talking to a girl in front of her, four different girls laughing about something...Then there was the boy next to me.

He had golden brown hair, wavy and silky. He had green eyes that complimented his somewhat tan skin. He was a bit scrawny, but had a bigger chest than he did arms.

He was incredibly attractive. I wonder what his name was?

When he was writing on his paper, I saw his name was Lucas.

Lucas, that suited him well. He looked like the type of person that would be called Lucas.

My teacher had introduced herself as Mrs. Cazzola. She was petite, but almost corrected it with her heels.

She had asked about our summer reading essays. I pulled mine out as she handed us a worksheet, asking some questions about the book we read.

I plugged my earphones in, blocking out everyone with Panic! at the Disco's Girls/Girls/Boys.


After class ended, I went to search for my locker.

C-437. Where could you be...

I guess I was busy staring down at the paper with my locker information on it that I hadn't looked where I was going. I bumped into someone on accident. They were quite firm, seemed brawny. But not too brawny.

I looked up into those green eyes.

Those same green eyes...

"Hey, sorry about that. Didn't see where I was going."


"Oh, no it's fine. I should have looked where I was going," I batted my eyelashes at him. "You're in my last class right?"

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