All I Want For Christmas is You

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4 months earlier...

"Emiline you need to come to St Marys Hospital, Addison's just been admitted, i'll explain when you arrive"  Addisons mum Donna distroughtly spits out before hanging up. Grabbing my coat, and wallet, phone already in hand I run out to my car.

Clicking on mums contact i turn it to speaker and reverse out. "Hello"

"Mum i'm heading to the hospital somethings happened to Addison, ill keep you updated, gotta go" I blurt out and hang up.

Soon arriving Donna meets me in reception "She had a sizure and is now in coma she won't wake up, but they think its best for her to be in coma at the moment" She says tears staining her cheeks, blood shot eyes and tissue in hand she leads me to where Addison is.

Back to the present.

I walk back into the room, now it's holidays I come and sit for at least half the day with Addison while her parents work to pay for everything. We're hoping she will wake up in time for Christmas in five days but it isn't looking hopeful.

Grabbing her hand I begin to tell her about everything that is happening because apparently when you're in coma you can actually hear everything that is going on. "So it's five days until Christmas and I hope you wake up, I mean you would still probably have to stay in here but we'd do Christmas here and I would join. Also Johnathan just broke up with Amelia, apparently he walked in on her kissing Finn, but I think that's just a rumor, I can't see her cheating or Finn going along with it. But nothing else interesting has happened, the thing at the top of my Christmas wish list is you, I suppose 'all I want for Christmas is you' okay I'm sorry for the song lyric" I say allowing my voice to fade out and be replaced with the everyday noise of the hospital.

Later a very tired looking Donna and Brad walk in "No changes I'm assuming?" Brad asks.

"No, still silence and no movement from her" I answer.

A few days later it's Christmas eve and I'm back at the hospital talking to Addison when I feel a slight hand wriggle. Thinking it's a figment of my imagination I ignore it, that is until it happens again. Leaning over I press the buzzer for the nurse.

"I felt her hand move twice" I say a slither of hope in my eyes.

"Okay well in that case, that is incredible and we have to sit and wait, it can take a while before they feel strong enough to open their eyes or talk" She explains.

I pull out my phone and call Donna and Brad telling them the news. They soon arrive and we all sit me on one sit grasping Addison's hand and Brad and Donna grasping her other hand and each others.

Her eyes begin to flicker and she wriggles around before they slowly open to reveal her piercing blue eyes. "I couldn't stand hearing about how sad you all were and Emmy I had to give you your one wish for Christmas" She croaks her voice raspy.

The next day is Christmas and once I finish my family's Christmas lunch I head up to the hospital to catch the tail end of Addison's hospital Christmas like I promised.

"Addy I brought you something" I sing as I walk into the room. She looks up from her place on the white bed and I hand her the present. She tears through the red and green wrapping revealing a stack of about five books.

"Thank you- these will be really good as I don't know how long I'll be in here, mum give Emmy hers" She turns her gaze to Donna.

"You didn't need to I got my present"

"Open it" She demands handing me the present. I sit down on her bed and in wrapping it letting out a loud laugh, it's a pile of CD's and the one on top is Mariah Carey's Merry Christmas. flicking throught he rest I observe they are genuine music I enjoy.

"thank you Addy"

"I thought the first one was very fitting"

"Oh yes after all I quote 'all I want for Christmas is you"

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