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You soon wake up on a comfy bed."where I'm I!" You said. You soon got up racing towards the door. But the door won't budge open. "Shit!!!" You said to yourself. "So you are awake..." a voice said for behind. You slowly turned around and sow that same boy from school. You stayed silent. Then he grabbed something out of his pocket. "You won't be needing this anymore." He said as he dropped you phone and stomped on it. "Noooo!!! You can't do that... I need-" you said as you were Cut off. "Shut up!!!" He yelled. You jumped up and took two steps back. "Teddy it's okay... she's just losing my patients." He said petting his teddy bear. You looked at him with a confused look. "Teddy says you should be a blood bag." He said with a evil grin. "A what!" You questioned. The boy showed his sharp teeth. "Wait that's impossible vampires ain't real!" You shouted back up towards the door. He got closer and closer. You successfully opened the door and rushed out. "Oh so you want to play a little game huh?" He said. You kept running towards the endless halls looking for somewhere to hide. Then you turned around and sow that the boy was gone. So you quickly got inside a room which has a bed. You slowly locked the door. "Hello can I help you." A voice said. You quickly turned around and sow the same girl from school. "Y/n why are you here!!" She said. "Okay some purple monster kiddnapped me!" You shouted. "Oh no we better get you out of here!" The girl said. "So your name is y/n?" Other voice said as you turned around the terroir. "Nooo!!!." You shouted. "Kanato stop scaring her." The girl said as she got up and raised her hand. "Alright okay."Kanato said as he petted his teddy bear. But he glared at you. Then the girl turned to look at you as Kanato seemed behind her and jumped her biting her on the neck making her pass out. You fell to the ground crying. "Please don't hurt me!!!!" You said. "I won't..." he said as he dragged you by the collar. You kept crying and crying until you stopped being dragged. His hands grabbed you hair pulling it up. His face got closer to yours. His tongue stocked out as he licked the tears away from your eyes. "It's okay." He said with a grin. You turned your head to the side not wanting to look at his face. The he grab your cheek and turned you face towards him. As he got closer towards your neck and began drinking your blood.

Kanato POV:
As y/n begins to closed her eyes I heard my brothers voices. "So you found another one?" Ayato said. "Yeah and you won't share that's not fair..." laiato said. I looked at y/n and at my brothers. "No she's mine." I said as I picked her up and teleported to my room. I placed her on my bed and played with her hair.


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"Teddy... I think y/n is pretty I shouldn't love a mortal but I'm starting to think I am." I said to my teddy.

Back to y/n:
You opened your eyes and sow Kanato. Your eyes widen as you got up but Kanato pushed you down. "Y/n are you afraid of me." He asked holding his teddy bear. "....yes.... I... am." You said being honest. "Oh..." he said with a frown. You looked at him with a scared look. He gave you a puppy eye look. Then he got up and left the room leaving you alone. You gasped in relief. Then you heard a knock. You got up and opening it reveling ayato. "I know you will be here." He said as he grabbed you. "Agh!!" You cried as he bit you on the wrist. "This is better then Yui's blood." He said as he kept sucking. "Stop!!!" You shouted as you kicked him and ran off but bumping into Kanato. You try to catch your breath as Kanato grabbed you wrist revealing bite marks. "Ayato!!!" He said to him self. Then he licked the remaining blood off your rest. Then your wound quickly healed. You look at your wrist. "Thank you." You said. He smiled and walked off.

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