"My flower"

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"Y/n walked up I want to show you something?" He asked while pulling your shoulder. "Okay just let me get dressed." You said as Kanato vanished. You got up and walked towards the closet. "Wow I didn't know they have girls outfits here." You said with a smile. You pulled out a white little dress. "This will be nice to wear." You said to yourself. You slowly put in on and got out of your room. "Glad your here now cmon." He said grabbing you wrist. He rushed out side showing you the Beautiful garden. "Wow this place is beautiful." You said with a smile. "Yes it is" he said picking a flower out of a bush. You noticed him making something. "Hey what are you making?" You asked. "Ain't telling." He said with a smile. You quietly giggled. Until he put something on your hair.

"It's a flower!" You said touching it

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"It's a flower!" You said touching it. "Yeah." He replied. You looked up at the sky and down at the flowers. Then Kanato placed his hand on your cheek.
He looked at you with sympathy. "I noticed you don't have your teddy bear with you." You said. "Yeah..." he replied keeping that smile. Then you sow Yui stepping in. "Hey Kanato hey y/n." She said with a smile. Then her smile went to a frown. "Did I interrupt." She added. "No of course not." You said with a smile. "We better get in doors." Yui said as she walked back to the mansion. "Yes go ahead all catch up." Kanato said. "Alrighty then." You replied following Yui. "Hey y/n I been hearing rummers about you." Yui said. "What kind of rumors?" You asked. "Well they been saying about your disappearance... people are searching for you." She said with concern. "Really..." you said looking down. "Yes..." Yui replied. "I guess we shouldn't take her to school today." A voice said. You turned around. "Reiji why?" Yui questioned. "It's none of your business." He said. "And Yui you better keep your month shut or else." He threaten. Yui noddled and ran out of the room. You were left with Reiji. "I have a few questions to ask miss ."he asked. "Yes?" You replied. "Do you remember your past." He asked. "Yes when I was a baby my mother took really good care of me... and also my-" you replied as Reiji interrupted. "Alright I heard enough." He said getting closer to you. You back up but bumped in to a dest. Then he grabbed you neck and slam you against the desk. "Huh... aghh... what are you doing !" You shouted. "Shut up." He said as he sunk his fangs against your neck. "Aghhhh!!!!" You cried out.


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"Interesting..." he said as he licked his lips. Then you kicked him in his stomach and got away. You were trying to catch your breath. "Y/n are you okay?" Yui asked in concern. "Yeah Yui it's just a bite mark." You said rubbing its "let me but a band-Aid on it. She said taking you to the restroom

 She said taking you to the restroom

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"He bit you deeply." She said while disinfecting the wound. "Yeah I guess... it doesn't really hurt." You said. "Yes but it can get infected you know." She said. "Yeah Yui it's okay I'm fine." You said as you left. "Wait y/n!" She called out as you ignored. You heard Kanatos voice. "Hey!" You said. "Yeah." He said looking at you neck. "Who bit you." He said as his tone of voice got serious. "No one." You said. "You're lying someone bit you." He said ribbing the band-Aid off. I gasped in pain. He sniffed your neck. "Reiji...." he mutter licking your wound. You started gigging as it was your tickle spot. "What's so funny." He asked. "No it's just that I'm Tickle-ish." You said. "Oh." He said as he started sucking on you neck. You moaned accidentally. You had a  feeling of heat leaving your face. Kanato started to smile. "So mortals get red." He said with a smile. "Yup." You replied looking away. Kanato started to laugh. Then you began as well. "Y/n?" He called. "Yes." Your replied. "You like my flower." He said as he bit your neck. You layed your neck down allowing him to drink your blood. "You too." You said as you closed your eyes.

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