On my way

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As I look out the window of my childhood bedroom, i start to tear up.
"Anaya it's time to go" my moms says as she see's me crying 😢. "It's ok Anaya, you finally get to get away from this place",she said. "Yea but i am really going to miss you and my friends so much. I dont want to leave you alone." She touched my shoulder and looked me in the eye and said " I will be fine, you go and follow your dreams of being an musican, i will go to some of the football games and see you perform on the field. Oh yea did i mention that i have a full ride to JSU( Jackson State University) to be in the band program! Its been my dream to go to that school, but i never wanted to leave my mom by herself. But know i have the opportunity to go there so im going to take it. "Ok mom im ready. I say goodbye to my bedroom and my stuffed animals[Dont jugde me] and turn off the lights. She drives me to the airport and we say our final goodbyes. I look at her and she look at me. "Goodbye Anaya"she says as she hugs me. In my ear she whispers "make me proud." I nod and say i love her too and go inside the airport. I feel her still staring at me and now its gone. I am now boarding the plane and set in my seat. Next thing i here is "Next stop Jackson, Mississippi.

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