Chapter ten

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When we arrive at the apartment Vincent pesters me about calling my Danish bosses and ask if it's possible to get permanently transferred to the Netherlands. And as the sucker I am for his puppy-dog-eyes, I call right away. My boss' secretary picks up after three rings "Henrik Eriksens kontor" ("Henrik Eriksen's office"). My heart picks up pace "Hej Laila. Det er mig, Mark. Kan jeg blive stillet videre til Henrik?" ("Hi Laila. It's me Mark. Could you please pass me through to Henrik?"). I hear Laila's long, loud nails on the computer-keyborad. "Åhh! Hej Mark. Selvfølgelig! Lige et øjeblik" ("Ohh! Hello Mark. Of course. Just a second"). I wait as I hear the familiar bipping of the waiting tone and then there's a click and Henrik's voice's heard "Henrik Eriksen". (a/n Their conversation is in Danish but it takes up too much space if I write the conversation in both Danish and English. So I'll only write in English). My heart skips a beat and my voice gets shaky "Hey Henrik. It's me Mark." I hear paper rustling in the background 'He's probably reading a rapport'. "Oh, hey Mark! What's up?" I take a deep breath "I'm actually calling to ask if it's possible for me to get transferred permanently down here?" Everything in Henrik's end gets quiet and then he sighs "God, I hoped this wouldn't happen.. Your boss down there called a few days ago. He wanted to warn me that you'd probably call one of these days.. A young man had been asking around if it was possible for you to keep your job if you wanted to.. And apparently, you do want to." My mouth is agape and I glance at Vincent who's looking at me curiously. "Well, yeah.. I do want to.. If it's not too much to ask?" A defeated sigh is heard from Henrik "Alright then. Give me a few days and it's all done. But I have to warn you.. As soon as the request has gone through you'll have to move out." He says and all I can think is 'That' just perfect!'. "I know.. and it's totally fine" I smile earnestly as I answer. Another deep sight is heard "I hoped that would scare you off" he mumbles before he says for me to hear "Very well, Mark.. I guess I'll see you around then?". "Of course you will, Henrik! You're married to my sister!" I laugh and make eye contact with Vincent. He slowly and expectantly starts to rise from the couch and walks toward me. "Ugh, don't remind me. Now I have to explain how I let you move to the Netherlands.." he actually sounds defeated. I just laugh and once again make eye contact with Vincent. I nod with a huge smile on my face and he shouts "YES!" right beside me. I hear Henrik freeze and then say "Was that-" "No!" I interrupt with a blush. "It so was!" Henrik's sporting a major smirk; it's obvious even through the phone. "Please don't tell-" now it's my turn to get interrupted "Too late!" he says smugly and childishly. I just groan "I'll see you soon, Henrik! And thank you so much!" I say and mean it. "Sure, Mark. I hope he's worth it, I really do." He sounds so sincere it almost brings tears to my eyes. "He is, he really is." "Good. See ya!" and then he hangs up. Vincent lunges at me right away "I'm so exited!" I laugh wholeheartedly "Me too! There's just one tiny problem.." I trail off and Vincent looks a little scared. "I have to move out as soon as the request is accepted.. which will probably be within days." Vincent gets a 100 watt smile on his face "We are going to live together within DAYS?! I'm so ecstatic!" He hugs me tightly, lifts me up and spins me around. I laugh spontaneously and wrap my arms around his neck to pull him closer into my nape. He spins me around one last time, puts me carefully down and then, out of no where, he kisses me hard right on the mouth. "God, I'm so happy!" he says lower than before and though it's clear to his voice that he's happy, it's like there's a sad clang to his voice. "I'm happy too, I really am" I reassure him but he just shakes his head "No, it's not that. I mean I AM happy because of this too.. But it's all of it.. It's like a dream. A month ago I thought I'd lost you – like really lost you.." his voice begins to tremble ".. I thought I'd ruined everything and I'd never see you again. When I saw your face at the dog-show, I knew everything was dropped on the floor.." Now big tears are forming in his eyes and it breaks my heart that he still feels so bad about it; I've long since forgiven him ".. And when I saw your face in the car when you left, I knew all my chance to ever call you mine was gone.." one of his tears escapes his eye and trills down his cheek. My own eyes fill with tears and I embrace him tightly to me while I almost inaudible whisper "Shhhh" but he just goes on ".. But now you're moving in with me and I'm so fucking scared that I'll wake up and it's all just a dream.." I can't take his heartache any more so I loudly and confidently say "It's not all a dream! You won't suddenly wake up! And you didn't ruin everything.." I push him away with my hands firmly on his upper arms and look him in the eye "You DID NOT ruin everything.. True, you didn't make it any easier for us, but you didn't ruin it. If you had we wouldn't stand here – loving each other and moving in together!-" I get interrupted by Vincent "But I almost rui-" "Yes ALMOST, Vince! We have a saying in Denmark that goes something like this "'Nearly' and 'almost' don't throw a man off the horse".. You made it bad but you also fixed everything again.. You need to let it go, babe. Because I have – I forgave you a long time ago, remember?" I kiss him softly on the corner of his lips before I hug him once again. I feel him inhale "Bu-" "NO 'but's! I love you, you love me, you've come out at your work, I keep living in the Netherlands, we are moving in together.. And we love each other.. Isn't that what's more important?" I feel Vincent nod against my shoulder and he hugs me tighter as he lets go of a shaky breath, "You said 'love' twice". I smile a little at that light joke "I know.. Because it's true and it's important that you remember that. Because I do, Vincent – I love you" I whisper the last part. "I love you too, Mark. Probably more than I've ever loved anyone". He leans back enough to look me in the eye and with knitted brows he whispers almost inaudible "How did I get this lucky?" before he closes the short distance between our mouths. It starts off as a soft touch of lips but then he pushes harder and begins to move his lips against mine. When I move with him he becomes more frantic and licks along my lower lip making me part them subconsciously as his hand comes to lie on my jaw. He grips me harder on the small of my back with a hand I hadn't realized was lying there, and he softly puts pressure on my chin with the heel of his hand making me open my mouth for his access. He exhales through his nose across my cheek and I suddenly recognize the change of air around him. I grip his jeans beneath his hipbones and pull him marginally closer to me and our kiss becomes sloppier and more tongues and spit than lips. He groans deep in his throat when I let my right hand wander to his back-pocket and I squeeze his buttock. His hand slides across my back and with a grip on my waist and his arm lying across my lower back he tugs me hard into him making me moan, 'His manhandling of me should really not turn me on but damn it's so fucking arousing'. My hands find his lower buttocks on their own accord and I squeeze him hard against me and I have to separate out mouths when I feel his arousal pressing hard against my upper thigh. "Oh God" I moan breathy and softly hump his thigh once. "I need, Mark. God, I fucking need you right now" Vincent says huskily and connects our lips again, this time harder, as he begins to back me toward my bed. 'Thank God my bedroom and living-room is one big room' I think as we reach my bed. The back off my knees hit the bed and Vincent lets me fall onto it. I crawl longer up the bed backward and lick my lips subconsciously when Vincent pulls off his shirt in one swift motion leaving his chest bare. With my elbows keeping my upper body off the bed, my eyes drink in every part of his chest and when I reach his happy-trail with my gaze I will my eyes to make eye contact with him again. His eyes are lust-blown, his breathing quickened and I see him raise one eyebrow. "Like what you see?" he asks cockily but his smile shows that he's embarrassed. "Yes. I like the view very much" I say honestly and add more silent "How is it possible to be so handsome?" A light blush covers his cheeks and he says with a shy voice "Thank you. But I'd like to see you without a shirt too..". I look down at my chest, 'Oh. I was so focussed on Vincent I didn't even think about taking off my own shirt' I look into Vincent's eyes and smirk a little. "Then come and take it off of me" I say as I lay fully down on the bed. His eyes get intense in less than a second and he slowly begins to crawl on top of me. He looks into my eyes, lust and love evident in his eyes, and take a hold on my shirt and slowly lifts it off my body and over my head. He throws my shirt to the ground and finally looks at my body. I feel his gaze run down my body, his eyes on me making me even harder. When he reaches my waistband his eyes lingers for a short while before he makes eye contact with me again. He places his hands on each side of my head and leans down to catch my lips in a sweet, hot kiss. He bites my lower lip before he sits back up and ever-so-slowly he starts to run his hands from my shoulders down my chest, where he makes sure to linger on my nipples, down my stomach until he arrives at my waistband. He looks up from his hands' work and I see the question in his eyes – 'May I?'. I nod slightly and his thumbs caress my skin above the waistband all the way to the jean-button. He inhales deeply and his hands shake when they reach for the button. I grab his hands in mine and when he looks up I whisper with a small, honest smile on my lips "There's no pressure, Vince. We can wait.. We're in no hurry". He looks at me bewildered and says lowly with a faint blush "Are you kidding me? I want to.. I really, really want to! I'm just nervous, nothing else". I just nod with an encouraging smile, slide my hands up to the middle of his forearms and caress the front of his arms with my thumbs. He unbuttons my jeans and slowly pulls the zipper down then slowly glides his hand across my hips, making sure every inch of his palms touch my skin and he whispers "So beautiful" – love prominent in his voice. I lift my hips to give him more space and his hands glide lower and I feel his fingers curl into my jeans and my briefs at the same time. Goosebumps spread across my skin when I feel him tugging down on my jeans and briefs simultaneously and he slowly drags them down; he makes sure to lift the front enough for my length to get out without getting caught, then he slides them down my buttocks and he inches backwards off my lap. He slides my jeans and briefs down my thighs then my calves and last off my feet. He drops them to the floor before he delicately lifts my right calf to pull of my sock then the left to do the same. He makes eye contact and with red cheeks I see him reach for his own jeans button, unbuttons them with a lust blown eye contact and unzip the. I realize he hasn't looked even once at my length since he removed my clothes and I feel slightly hurt, 'Does he still have issues with me being a man? If he does then why did he say I'm beautiful?'. He starts to pull his jeans and briefs down but has to stop all motion when they get caught on his hard length. I see his whole body tremble as a shudder erupts through his whole being and he exhales through gritted teeth. And that's when realization hits me hard – it's not because he doesn't find my male-body attractive.. It's because he's on the verge of coming! I hear myself say "Leave 'em in. Get up here now" with a husky and demanding voice – a voice I've never heard leave my mouth before in my life. Another shudder erupts through his body and, I'm not kidding, a whimper leaves his gritted teeth. I watch a few seconds as he's trying to control his building orgasm with tightly closed eyes before he gets enough of a grip on himself to crawl on top of me again and I spread my legs enough for him to crawl between them. His cheeks and ears are a dark shade of red from embarrassment and when he opens his mouth to apologize I interrupt him huskily "Lay your hips down on top of mine". He knits his brows in confusion and opens his mouth again but once again I interrupt him – this time by locking my legs around his hips making them get tugged down to me. I see his eyes start to fall closed before mine are tightly shut and I feel his shuddering breath in my agape mouth in a silent moan. I wrap my shaking right hand around our lengths and give an experimental squeeze. Vincent's mouth finds mine in a heated, wet kiss and I start to move my hand around our hard-ons. On the first down-tug my hips give a little thrust on their own accord and Vincent shudders again. The feeling of Vincent's quickly fastening breathe against my mouth has me picking up speed, and within 20 seconds my hand move at high-speed against our lengths and my legs tightens their hold on his hips. "Oh-h God" I say lowly as my hand's starting to hurt from being wrapped around the foreign size and Vincent reaches his right hand down to remove his jeans and briefs more before he wraps his hand around my hand on our members, and he grips us tighter and begin to thrust hard into our hands. The feeling of our joined hands on our lengths, the hard grip Vincent provides and his hard thrusts have my own thrusts become sloppy and uneven. "I-I-I'm.." is all I get out before I come between our bodies with my legs trembling and tightening their hold on Vincent. I hear him groan and give three hard thrusts before he stills and moan deep in his chest. I feel his warm orgasm land on my stomach before he falls down on top of me and softly hides his face in my nape "I love you" he whispers "I love you too, so much". I delicately wrap my hand around his hand still on us and remove it as I'm becoming quite sensitive. We lie like that for a while, just getting our breaths to slow down. I drag a duvet on top of us when I get cold and wrap my arms protectively around Vincent under the duvet. "I'm so sorry" I hear him mumble and his ear that's pressed against my shoulder gets warm. I hug him tighter to me and whisper into his hair "It's fine. It ended up being the best sex.. handjob or whatever I've ever had." I feel him smile against my neck "Yeah. It was. And I've probably never heard a more arousing voice in my life" he whispers against my neck and now it's my time to feel a blush creep along. "I have no idea what happened to me. I've never talked like that before. I'm so sorry!" I say embarrassed. "Don't apologize! I... I liked it" Vincent mumbles the last part into my skin and a big smile breaks across my face. 'So he likes to get demanded around?'

Just love me, please? (mxm/bxb) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now