Head Detectives Object

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“You haven’t heard from Shawn have you?” Detective Juliet O’Hara asked, approaching her partner’s desk. The Head Detective looked up at her in annoyance. “The chief gave him that drug case three days ago and I haven’t heard anything from him. I was expecting something by now.”

“Maybe you’ll finally realize the only way to solve a case is hard work and not that psychic mumbo jumbo Spencer brings to the table,” Carlton Lassiter responded sharply. O’Hara frowned at him. “Look. When someone declares him a missing person, I’ll look for him then.”

Shaking her head, O’Hara walked on. “I’d throw a party first,” Lassiter muttered under his breath. Grinning at the thought, he bent over his work. A few moments passed, and he got the feeling he was being watched. Looking up, Lassiter stared at two kids standing in front of his desk. “Can I help you?”

“Are you really the Head Detective?” Ethan asked seriously. Beside him, Evelyn was studying the design on the floor nearby.

“Yes,” Lassiter responded cautiously. He glanced around, trying to find someone who was responsible for these two. “Who are you?”

Ethan stuck his hand out. “I’m Ethan Spencer and this is my sister Evelyn,” he responded easily. Lassiter’s eyes narrowed at the last name. “So, were you Head Detective before Shawn started working for the police department? Because I’m trying to figure how you can be in charge if Shawn’s the one who solves all your cases.”

Furious, Lassiter jumped up. “For your information, I solve just as many crimes as that…psychic,” he growled. Her attention snapping back to the Head Detective, Evelyn took a step back along with Ethan. “Is he the one that brought you here? Shouldn’t you be in school?”

“Uh, it’s summer,” Evelyn answered. “Are you jealous of Shawn?”

“No, I’m not jealous!”

“Lassie!” Shawn exclaimed, jogging over. Lassiter transferred his glare from the twins to Gus and Shawn. “I see you’ve met Ethan and Evelyn. I was telling them about some of the cases I’ve solved for the department. I told them they should talk more about it with you.”

His left eye twitching slightly, Lassiter moved around his desk. Instantly, Evelyn took refuge behind Shawn. “Did you know you’re face looks all red and weird when you get mad?” Ethan asked, studying the Head Detective’s face. “Is that on purpose or does it just happen?”

Gus grabbed Ethan’s arm and pulled him away from the Head Detective. “We need to get going,” he said. “We’re sorry to have taken up so much of your time, Detective.”

“What are the two of you doing here in the first place?” Lassiter demanded, reining in his temper.

“Oh, you know,” Shawn responded. “Just checking in with the chief. You know she gave us that drug case the other day.”

O’Hara hurried over. “Shawn, I was wondering when you’d come in.” The detective paused as she saw Ethan grinning at Lassiter and Evelyn peeking around Shawn. “You brought friends?”

“Jules!” Shawn exclaimed in delight. “Just the person I was looking for. I was drawn her for a reason. I’m getting a vision about the case!” He raised his hands up to his head and closed his eyes. “It’s not making sense. A woman named Maria in danger.”

Swiftly, O’Hara checked her file. Evelyn pulled on Shawn’s arm to get his attention. When that failed, she kicked his ankle. “Our Maria?” the girl asked in a low tone.

Flinching in pain, Shawn opened one eye to look down at her and moved one finger to his lips. Evelyn shrugged and Shawn returned to his pose of intense thought. “Maria Jones is the daughter of Carl Jones, who we suspect of being behind the drug ring,” O’Hara announced. “What does she have to do with it? What kind of danger is she in?”

Shawn opened his mouth to answer. “I know!” Ethan exclaimed, his eyes wide. Evelyn heaved a sigh and smacked her forehead. “She was kidnapped!”

“Really, Ethan?” Shawn said, opening his eyes to look at the boy. “The spirits don’t like someone stealing their show.”

“And a show is all this is,” Lassiter spoke up. Horror on his face, Shawn turned his attention to the Head Detective. “When you have something conclusive, talk to the chief. Until then, get out of my sight. And take your two friends with you. O’Hara, there’s a witness in Interrogation Room One that I’ve kept waiting long enough.”

Lassiter went down the hallway, officers dodging to get out of his path. Offering an apologetic smile, O’Hara hurried after him. “Check into the daughter,” Lassiter ordered in a low voice when she caught up.

“See, I told it was no use coming here,” Gus said. “Now what are we going to do?”

Extremely pleased, Ethan took a big bite of his hot fudge sundae. “What is with you and your pineapple?” he demanded, making a face at the smoothie in his sister’s hand. He transferred his look of disgust to the matching smoothie in Shawn’s hand. “You people are weird.”

“Shut up, Ethan,” Evelyn ordered. “Pineapple is my only consolation at this point.”

“Shawn, how is this helping us solve the case?” Gus demanded in a low voice.

Not answering, Shawn sat at the picnic bench across from the twins, slurping his smoothie. This elicited another look of disgust from Ethan. “So, how come your guardian didn’t come with you for this trip?” Shawn asked. “Most people don’t trust twelve year olds to keep out of trouble.”

Pausing, Ethan turned to his sister. “He knows we’re twelve!” he whispered loudly. “This is so cool!”

“Our guardian travels all the time,” Evelyn answered, ignoring her brother. “Look, can we go down to the dance center? We have to have everything signed in by tonight or we’ll be disqualified from the competition. We’ll have come all this way for nothing!”

“Wow. You’re that sure you’ll win?” Gus asked in surprise.

“We wouldn’t enter unless we were sure,” Ethan informed him. He scrapped the last bit of fudge out of his bowl and licked his spoon clean. “Evie is right. We’ve got to get signed in soon. I did not waste my summer vacation proving I could stick to something to not compete now.”

Shawn leaned back. “You said your escort, Maria, had all your papers for the competition, right?” Gus spoke up before him. The twins nodded. “So even if you go to the dance center, you won’t be able to sign in. You’ll probably have to call your guardian…what did you say her name was again?”

Ethan frowned. “We never said,” he answered. He hesitated, glancing at Evelyn. “Maddie Spencer. I’ll write the number down for you.”

“No, that’s OK,” Shawn said. “I already know it.”

“Wow. You’re good.”

Shawn’s phone rang. Pulling it out of his pocket, he read the text. “Gus and I will drop you off at the office,” he announced. “Lassie and Jules found something they want us to see. We have some places to hit after that and then we’ll have this case solved.”

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