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"What?" I asked
"Unless you don't want to see me" Luke said.
"Are you kidding?" I stopped skating and picked up my board.
"Lexi I'm being completely serious."
"L..Luke. I can't wait." I said happily
"Me either babe" he said "listen I am going to go make some ramen noodles. I'll snap you later." And hung up

My heart was beating so fast. I was so excited and so nervous at the same time. What am I going to wear? How should I do my makeup? This isn't me. I' m acting so weird, I just need to chill out. I put my ear buds in and skated home.

I walked inside of my house and saw my step dad standing at the kitchen counter. I tried to quietly walk upstairs but he snapped around and started. "Where were you?" He demanded
"I told you, I was..."
"You weren't gone long"
"Yeah, I know. I'm feeling a little dizzy. I think I'm going to go to bed."
"No." He practically yelled. "You will stay downstairs from now one unless you are sleeping. You spend way too much time up there and all you do is play on your phone and sleep."
"Well maybe I would come down here more if you weren't such an asshole! Every time I try to talk to you, you end up cutting me off or hitting me and quite frankly, I'm tired of all of your shit! Ever since my mom died you have.."
He smacked my mouth. "You do not talk about your mom!" he shouted, I winced.
"I can talk about her all I want, she was in my life way longer than you were in hers. God dammit, I miss her so much. Now I have nobody who actually gives a fuck about me. I'm leaving you. I'm packing my stuff and I'll be out by 6."
He shook his head and didn't say another word.

I ran upstairs and opened my closet. I grabbed 3 suitcases out of the top of my closet, they hadn't been touched since a vacation my family took in 2005. Tears were rolling down my cheeks. My mom died in 2009, she was involved in a skiing accident. She fell 52 feet and was left in a coma for 3 weeks until my step dad decided to let her go. It was the worst feeling I've ever felt. I wanted to cry all the time and that is when my step dad started to drink all the time. You will never see him without a beer in his hand. Then he started to hit, only me of course. I mean, why would he hit his own daughter? As for my biological dad.. His name is Kelly. My mom never said much about him because it was just a one night stand that created me.

I packed most of my t'shirts and a few pairs of jeans, I packed necessities and grabbed my stash of money I was hiding in my closet for almost 4 years. I grabbed my phone and opened Snapchat.
"Heyyy." Luke sent
"Hey" I said back
"What's wrong?" he asked
"I'm moving out."
"What do you mean, Lexi?"
"My stepdad is making all of these rules about how I have to stay downstairs whenever I'm not sleeping and I'm tired of all of his shit" I responded
"Lexi, where are you going to go? its Thursday my plane doesn't board until tomorrow at noon."
"Idk. but I'll find somewhere to go." I replied
I grabbed my suitcases and walked downstairs. My step dad was no where in sight so I opened the door and left. I looked back down at my phone.
"Lexi please be careful. I don't like this whole idea but I do not blame you, because of the way he treats you"
"I'll probably call Mandy and stay with her" I replied
I swiped over and dialed he number. she answered on the second ring.
"Heyyyy" she said cheerfully
"Hey can I stay with you?" I asked
"Is everything okay? you sound..." I cut her off
"Yeah, I am fine. I will explain when I get there."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2016 ⏰

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