Hi my name is....

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Hi its thedarkestofminds

╮(╯_╰)╭ I  couldn't write all week

So I will do a long chapter this time ヽ(^。^)ノ

I hope you enjoy <3


December 19, 2125

"WAKE UP YOUR GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!" yelled my Mom. I rubbed my eyes then noticed the time, it was 8:00am. MY SCHOOL STARTS AT 8:10am! I quickly got out of my pgs and got into some clothing. I ran downstair and grabbed an apple. "BYE!" I yelled to my family.

"Late again, Miss. Elkwood?" she said with her hands on her hips. I looked at her then signed on the late list. I opened the office door and left for class. "Ok class we are going to share a little about ourselfs and get to know eachother" Mrs. Greengarden said with a wide grin. I snickered and told myself "Why do I feel like im in kindergarten? ". "Hi my name is Emily and I love my phone" a blondie said while twerling her hair and biting her lips. "H-h-hi my name is....... um..... Sshh-shy and....um I like... Books" said the brunette beside me. Then everyone was looking at me. So I took a breath in and told them "Hey my name is Celestial and I like archery and karate".

I was at my locker packing up for home then I felt like something was watching me I looked behided me and there stood Shy. She quickly hid behide the garbage can. I walked over to her and said "You can come out, I dont bite." She stood up and look at me.

(Skip to 1 year later 2126)

It's been 1 year since I have been friends with Shy. We do everything together! August 4, 2126 I was at home with my bow aiming and shooting at a card board cut out. Then my dog Bear (German Sheperd) pranced over to me and started to tug on my pants,  then my little brother Samuel (or Sam) and my littlest sister Athen ran into my room and jumped on the dog. " Berry Bear we caught you" giggled Athena. Athena is 6, Sam is 12 and I am 18. Sam grabbed Bear and dragged him into Athena's room.

"ITS DINNER TIME KIDS" yelled my Dad. I walked downstairs to see my family waiting for me at the dinner table. I sat beside Sam, putting my head down and praying. "Amen" my Dad said as he cut the chicken opened. Athena was feeding the dog scraps of her unfinished carrots. My Dad and Mom were talking about my Moms business.  Sam was pleasantly eatting, I took my fork and took some chicken and ate.

The next day we woke up to alarms going off! Everyone was running all over the streets. Then I remebered that is the danger alarm and when it goes off something bad is going to happen,  wait is the planet falling? or going to blow up? I had a bunch of thing pass my mind.  My parents ran into my room with Athena and Sam in their hands. "COME ON CELESTIAL!!" My Dad yelled.  "Whats happening???!!!" I asked. My Mom grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the house.

It was a disaster outside. Buildings falling, car crashes and everything was on fire. We all ran to the safty ships that should take us to a new home. Mars it is called. Before we got on the ship I yelled to my Mom " I need to the help hospital!". "OK BUT YOU BETTER BE BACK BEFORE THE SHIPS LEAVE!" I nodded at her and ran to the hospital.  When I got there I took sick patiences and put them on to the ship. Then I ran back to the hospital to see if there was anymore. There wasn't anymore so I ran back outside,  I felt the ground shaking then the ships were going to leave and ran and yelled "STOP, STOP PLEASE STOP" But they left me.

Then I could see cracks appearing and then I saw a robotic hand I screamed and ran back to my house. I locked the door, windows and shut the blinds. I peeked out of my bedroom window and saw robotic people coming from the ground. My house was shaking , then I heard a wimper. I look a torn down wall and saw my dog with his leg caught under the wall. I could not pull Bear out. So I got an idea and took my pocket knife and cut his paw out. Bear cried and so did I. After I cut it off I picked him up and wrapped some of my clothing over it to stop the bleeding.

Then I heard a giggle I turned to see Sam. "SAM WHY ARE YOU HERE WHY ARE YOU NOT ON THAT SHIP" he told me back " I want to stay with you" he said with a smile. I felt no more shaking and heard something opening the door. I look outside my window and saw a cyborg opening it. I gasped at the sight of it. Then I grabbed Bear into my arms and held Sam hand and we dart for the back door we run away from our home and city . We run in tell we could run anymore. We found a tree and we climbed it and helped Bear get up. We look at our city and we saw it blow up in to flames.

What is happening ?


I hoped you enjoyed this chaper └(^o^)┘

But for the next chaper I'm going to be evil (⊙o⊙)

This chapter must get 10 votes or 20 viewers ↖(^▽^)↗

OR ELSE no more writing for me ╮(╯_╰)╭

Please leave comments or questions on the story ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ

And please check out my other short story book called "The Big Pink Pig"

see you later ~thedarkestofminds

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