The Big Mission

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"CELESTIAL, CELESTIAL WAKE UP YOUR PHONE IS RINGING!!!! " Sam yells at me. I rub my eyes and see that Sam is holding my phone, "wha what,  wait waht? WHERE DID YOU GET THIS I THOUGHT I LEFT IT!" I say. "Well I just found it in you bedroom when we were going to leave and I thought that you needed it" Sam said in a low voice.

I took the phone and opened it, the new 3D screen popped out a caller ID. It was.... wait it was THE GOVERMENT WHAT THE HECK MAYBE I SHOULDN'T ANSWER IT! But I couldn't let it just ring and pretend not to heard it, so I answered it. "Hello?" I said, my voice was shakey. "Hello there, are you Celestial Elkwood ?" . Said a mans voice. "Umm.... yes?" I answered. "Then a womans voice came and said "OH MY GOODNESS CELESTIAL ARE YOU OK,  IS SAM WITH YOU????? ARE YOU HURT??? HELLO?HELLO????" then I knew who it was, My mom. "I'm not hurt mom,  me and sam got out in time before the... well the... What were they?" "105?" my mom said. "umm... what?" I answered. "test 105 TOP SECRET! Your great, great, great, great  grandfather worked ther..." then Mom got cut off. "Mom, mom, MOM!!" I yelled into the phone.

"This is Agent Mars, is this Celestial Elkwood ?" A man said" um... yes......" I said. "Celestial I know your not trained in special ops but we need your help" Agent Mars said "The ships needed special coordinates to get to the next world" " But an Agent forgot to download the coordinates on to the ships".

" Wait so you want me to do this fancy dancy mission when theres.. um 104.." "105" he corrected me " whatever, 105 things running around town!!!" "Ok well the most I can give you is a password...." he said.

"Ok so a password is going to to help me save the world???" I answered. " Well this password is top secret" "well isn't everything top secret now!!" I yelled in frustration."This is the password for about everything in that world, it can get you into guns, medical items, food and some transportation." he said. " NO,NO, NO  i wont let my daughter handle guns!!" my mother yelled into the phone. "well would you rather have Samuel handle it?" Agent Mars said.

My mom was quite. "ok so do you want the password Celestial?" Agent Mars whispered. *sigh* "Ok...." I answered. "Its *******" Agent Mars said. "And you must go to this city, I am sending the directions to you're phone and I will give you more info when you get there."

Then the phone shut off, im terrified, frustrated and silent. Samuel won't let go of me and Stichy, and I can see why... "Sam, wheres Bear?" I finally said " Hes beside me Celestial" Sam said with a soft voice. "Celestial will we be ok?" Sam said while looking up at me with tears in his eyes. " Yes Sam, As long as we stay together." I said with a fake smile,  though he bought it.

*ding ding* I got the coordinates on my phone "Go to Cinna City (40km) , Norana st 2003 and enter the back door, then go down to the basement and behide a picture of a grandmother and her grandson enter password into pad lock  and enter door that opens. After call us for futher details.

-dont get caught by 105s

-go to safe places during day and move at night

-keep phone on for GPS, emergency calls and texts

-EVEN AT NIGHT be cautious!!!

"Well Sam" I said "We are on a Big Mission"...

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