Chapter 1***

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*Before we start. This is a random, middle of the night thought written while I was fuelled on coke after 4 hours of work and a bunch of other random shit! So, comment what you think. If it weird, and you want to know more, get this shit to 3 comments and 3 votes and I'll post the next chapter! Enjoy guys. Also, I want to thank WillowRose99 @DramaLlamaLana @FallingIntoGravity @NowhereWolf1 @saraijh123 alphawolf0817 for voting for the chapter to go forward, sorry if it didn't tag you, my laptop hates me. Anyways, enjoy and I'm dedicating this chapter to WillowRose99 for being the first person to comment for this chapter to go forward. Have a good one my Little Fires!*

Chapter 1:

Aria's P.O.V

"Aria Sweetie! Come out of your room, you're going to be late for your first day! Are you even ready?" I sighed and I stared at myself in the mirror. I looked tired. I scoffed,

"Yeah, Mum! I'll just be another few minutes." My Mum yelled in return but I wasn't listening anymore. I need makeup, she might notice otherwise. I quickly pulled on some foundation and eyeliner. I stood up from my vanity and looked around my room.

I'd already unpacked everything, if I didn't, I don't think I would have remembered where I hid the book. I need to learn to keep that closer to me. I can't lose it, I need to it find that person.

My mother and I had just moved from Central Melbourne to this small town Bremin. I think I was still getting used to it. I didn't want to go to school just yet, I needed more information, but Mum wasn't having it. It was the middle of the semester and Mum didn't want me missing out on more school than I already have from the move. But I initiated the move, but Mum didn't know that.

"Aria! Hurry up, don't you want some breakfast before school?!" I sighed and walked out of my room, closing the door quickly, making sure to not get my hair caught. I walked down the hall and into the half unpacked dining room where Mum was standing in the kitchen looking a little lost.

"Is there any toast?" I muttered under my breath, catching Mum's attention.

"Ah, sorry. What was that Sweetie?" I shrugged not bothering to answer again. "It's funny, I keep on feeling like I've forgotten something." I didn't respond. Good, that's the way it's supposed to be. Just like everyone else. "Ah, Aria... where's your sister, Nicolette?" I froze, will she? "Oh no, silly me. She must have left already. That's the only reason why she wouldn't be here." Good, she didn't...

"I'm leaving. I'll be back late tonight, okay Mum?" Mum nodded her brain off somewhere far away. I turned away from the kitchen, returning to my room to collect my bag from the doorway before leaving the house.

I still don't know my way around Bremin, but I know the way to school, home and to the main street. That was all I needed for now. I got Mum to pick a house close to the school. I didn't want to waste time walking to and from school. I needed that time for other things.

Was I already at school? Wow, I guess it must have backfired on me a little. I'm a little out of it. The school wasn't big. It was the only high school in the entire town and if my research was correct, what I was looking for... it has to be here. Otherwise... otherwise, I was fresh out of luck.

I sighed as I readjusted the bag on my shoulder, pulling it closer to me. I could feel the heat coming from it. Yep, I was right. What I was looking for, it was here. I walked slowly into school, in hopes of not catching anyone's attention. I can't let myself get distracted, I was already tired enough as it was. Keeping Mum distracted was already a lot of energy.

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