Chapter 9 ***

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Chapter 9:

Luca's P.O.V

They were sad. No, that was an understatement. They were heartbroken. I was heartbroken. I couldn't move. No, it's not that I couldn't move, I didn't want to. I believed that if I moved, it meant that what I just witnessed, what just broke my heart, didn't happen.

I just wanted to sit there and pretend that I haven't been locked away in a cell for the last eight months. I just wanted to sit there and pretend that the most important person to me didn't spend eight months of her life trying to save me and two other people. I just wanted to sit there and pretend that...

"Luca!" I jumped and my head turned to Nicki. Oh, I moved. Damn it, I was doing so well. "Luca... are you okay?" I nodded.

"Fine. I just... need some air." Before I could stop myself, I stood up and walked out of the bungalow that we suddenly appeared in. It was a decent-sized backyard. I wandered over to the far side, away from the bungalow. I sat down on the ground and I frowned at it.

The ground, the earth, the creator of all life. That was what Aria was to me. I loved her, but not in a crush way. My life was darkness, yet when I met Aria... I felt like I was the earth, but I hadn't seen a glimpse of the sun, and I had only seen the dark side of the moon. Aria was my sun, and she made my life better. Being different was hard, but with Aria by my side, treating me as an equal, I don't think I'd ever felt better.

But now, this ground below me. It was no longer happy and vibrant thanks to the sun, it was dry and sad and dying. Wait... what?! My eyes widened as I watched the ground underneath me dry up and the water the I assumed came from it, was sitting in a statuesque shape in front of me. It was a statue of Aria. I smiled at it. Sure, I was weirded out right now, but I'm looking at Aria, how could I not be sad?

"How are you doing that?" I jumped as my eyes widened and my gaze turned to a boy in a chair... a wheelchair? I turned back to the Aria statue, but the water had already sunken back down into the ground and the grass was slowly returning to normal.

"I... I don't know..." I really didn't.

"Who are you? And... what are you doing in my yard?" I frowned,

"Sorry, I'm here with... Felix...?" I think that was his name. I wasn't really listening when introductions went down.

"My brother, Felix... has friends over?" I nodded slowly pointing to the bungalow.

"Go look if you want to." To be honest, I didn't want to look at this kid any longer, he was kinda cute. Fuck I hated being different like this!

"No, I'm more interested in you. Are you a witch too?" I nodded, so this kid knows about magic. That might be helpful.

"Yeah, water element. What about you?" The boy shrugged,

"I'm spirit... if that makes any sense." I laughed lightly as I stared at the ground, not wanting to look at the cute boy.

"Yeah, that makes perfect sense." The boy laughed in return and was looking around, not keeping his eyes on me.

"So, Mysterious Boy in my backyard, what's your name?" I bit my lip, holding in a laugh as I realised that I hadn't introduced myself.

"I'm Luca Thompson. And you are...?" The boy grinned widely, holding his hand out to me.

"Oscar Ferne!" I smiled at him, grabbing his warm hand in mine.

"Nice to meet you, Oscar Ferne!" The warmth of his hand spread through my body, and when he squeezed my hand, I thought my heart was going to leap out of my chest.

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