I - Friends and Foes

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"I'm going down to the cafeteria that we saw on the way here. I'm kinda hungry." Callie heaved herself from bed, then quickly slipped on her shoes. " I'm coming too." The clock on the desk read 12:10pm. As they closed the door, an electronic bell rung. "Hum, must be lunchtime"

As they went outside and headed for the building where they had been told where the food was, large groups of students could be seen. "It IS lunch time." Callie smiled, and her stomach grumbled. They walked in, and the smell of food wafted straight to their noses. The large room was filled with tables and chairs, already half full with students. The door suddenly slammed behind them, making a louf noise that got the attention of everybody. Luckily, it also caught the attention of Ms. Yanako. She led them to a rather large stage, where everyone could see them.

She grabbed a microphone. "Hello, students, I suspect you did well this morning?" A loud, unanimous 'yes ma'am' came from the students. 
"Please welcome our two new students from overseas, Callie Milano and Blake Bello." A wave of confusion fell over the crowd. A mix of claps and talking ensued. Blake and Callie didn't like this at all. "I hope you all welcome them and teach them how to be one of us."

The crowed stared us down as we walked down. She's a lot darker... I thought she came from Canada? She isn't feminine at all, I bet no one liked her. Callie could see the other girls look away and whisper amongst themselves. Then she heard other voices. Wow! She's hot! She's got a butt. Her darker skin looks exotic. I bet she was popular at school. The boys blushed when she looked at them. The girls gritted their teeth and stared with their  judgmental eyes.

Blake was experiencing something similar. Hes so dark, puny. I thought he was from Canada or something? I could beat him up anytime. Then he heard the girls. He's SO handsome! I bet he can play sports really well. I'm sure he has a girlfriend. I heard they're big. The girls squealed when he looked at them. The boys gave a cold stare.

Blake and Callie looked at each other. Then, before one could react, two crowds formed. Boys surrounded Callie, girls surrounded Blake. Everyone had totally forgotten their food, either on tables or spilled on the floor. Ms. Yanako started yelling. "STUDENTS, CLEAN UP RIGHT NOW. OR DETENTION FOR ALL OF YOU!" Everyone panicked and started cleaning, forgetting why they ended up here in the first place. Once they were done, the bell rang and they poured out of the building, back to classes.

"What. Just. Happened?" Blake looked at her. " I. Have. No. Clue." Callie looked around, her phone suddenly rang. "Oh! Thats right. I have a schedule to keep." She turned on her smart phone. "We have to get our uniforms down at the mini mall." Blake rolled his eyes. "Uniforms are a drag. Boring same thing every day." Callie smirked. "Oh, oh dear Blake." He had a blank stare. "What?"

Callie and Blake went to the store to get fitted. Blake had just the perfect fitted suit, but Callie had a little issue. "Hey Blake. Can you come here for a sec?" She poked her head out of the door. He walked in. Her short skirt wasn't zipped up all the way, and hadn't yet put on her shirt. "It. Won't. Zip." Blake rested one of his hands on her hip, and then with the other, tried to zip up her skirt. He tried and tried again.

"It doesn't look like it's gonna fit..." Callie frustratingly huffed and let her skirt fall to the ground. Blake quickly looked away and blushed. "S-sorry!"
"What? Its not like you haven't seen this before!" Callie grabbed his shoulder and turned him around.
"Bro, you're going to see a lot of this from now on, so get used to it!" Blake looked at his best friend. She had a scornful look on her face. He smiled. "Okay, Cal, whatever you say."

"Great! I'm taking the skirt with me tho." He looked confused. "Wha- I though it doesn't fit!" She laughed. "I can sow it to my measurements, silly! I know they won't have a size for me cause my butt's too big!" Blake nodded his head in disappointment and laughed. "Callie, you are one crazy girl." She stuck her tongue out and giggled. "You know I am!" The old man running the store observed them, and quickly rang up the items they got. "Thank you!" They both said as they left. Kind kids, i wish the others were this nice...

"What's next?" Blake grabbed her phone from her back jean pocket. "Aha, they say that we have to wait at the lobby of the west wing on the main facility where the classes are." Callie took her phone back. "Are you sure? That's a strange request! It wasn't there when I checked it last time!" She furrowed her brows. "Well, we'll go see what they might want."

There was a student outside the glass doors of the building, waiting for them. "Please, come with me, the president is waiting for you." Blake and Callie looked at each other. The president? Who is it? What do they want? The student led them inside, through a series of door and hallways. They arrived at a small elevator, tucked away, hidden. It took them to the top floor, which they might have guessed to be around 14 stories high.

The elevator door slowly opened, and revealed an extremely large room. It was bright, open concept room, filled with tasteful decor and high end technology. There was a large, rectangular table off to the left side. Three people were sitting there, discussing whatever matters. Once the two showed up, they stopped, and motioned them to sit with them. They complied, and sat across from them.

The one sitting in the middle, presumably the leader, stood up and introduced herself. "My name is Kameyama Natsumi." Her voice was demanding, powerful, like a strong wind, but like any strong wind, it can get out of hand. She motioned to her left, then right. " These are my... assistants. Ui Sayuri, and Okuda Mitsu." Both of the girls nodded.

"Lets get to business." Natsumi threatingly stood up. She started walking around the table. "This is not play-time. You will work in the good name of this school. I, as the president of the student council, have to keep everyone in line. You... strangers, weren't raised the way we were. Your
cultures are old, your people act like savages. We are clearly superior, you will do as I say."

"Excuse me? How *Fucking* DARE YOU!" Callie stood up in protest of her words. Blake sat in his chair, dazed. Natsumi chuckled, and stood in front of Callie. "I can RUIN you and your time here, along with your little friend here. My family owns one of the most powerful companies in the WORLD. You're a lowly, middle class girl." Callie took a step back, she knew she couldn't win the battle. But maybe she could win the war. "This is just a friendly warning. So don't take it too seriously. We'll see you around."

Sayuri escorted them out. "I-I'm terribly sorry you had to endure that. She's almost never this mean. She just doesn't like foreigners." Blake shook his head. "Thank you for your apologies,  but they won't do much." Sayuri nodded. "You're right, but there is a way you can beat her." Callie blinked. "How? She's everything we aren't!" Sayuri laughed. "Both of you have things that we won't be able to ever experience. But the only other way to beat her is by her grades." "Her grades?" Blake and Callie said simultaneously. "Yes, her grades. She is the top student, but you can totally beat her!"

Sayuri continued. "I've seen your overall grade when you were in middle school. Other than physical education, you were the best." Her gaze moved to Blake. "I'm not sure why you're here." Callie jumped and managed to grab on to Blake's shoulder and neck, hoisting herself up. "I said I wouldn't come if he didn't come." Sayuri looked confused. "Is he your boyfriend? Or maybe step brother?" Blake laughed, "No, we're best friends." "With benefits!" Callie added, then revieved a sharp hit on the head. "Shut up."

They all laughed.

This is totally gonna be fun!

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