Time X Breath

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Yay first fanfiction between Dave and John! This chapter has a high rating for... actions that are to occur in it. Nothing too intense but, as the rating says, Parents Strongly Cautioned. Then again, who even asks their parents permission to read something like this? I think I'm speaking for, uh, everyone here.


For the majority of his life, John's claiming of 'not being a homosexual', was the truth. Then reality hit just as his sixteenth year did the same. From that day his claims were a cover-up. Not that he could help how he found men attractive, or that he started to take notice what they had 'down south'. When he thought about it, there was really only one being on Alternia and Earth combined he could truly be attached to more than he already was, but he didn't think that his feelings would ever be returned.

Dave took pleasure in teasing the heir of his homosexual desires, but the usually playful aura around the taunting took a solemn turn when John would grow quite flustered by the accusations. Attempting to get John to deny his sexuality became more difficult, and Dave grew the slightest bit hopeful. For three years, since they began the game, John had begun to grow on Dave, and the knight knew he couldn't let go.

"Dude why are you alwayth tho theriouth?" A voice snaps Dave from his thoughts.

"Hyperactive personalities aren't cool bro," Dave faces the lisp-ridden troll. The light from above them hit the rim of his shades and reflected on Sollux's own.

Sollux shrugs, almost in agreement, then something occurs to him. "Then why do you thtick around John? Heth tho happy all the time, and jumpy," Sollux observes. Judging by the way his eyebrows furrowed it suggested Sollux narrowed his eyes in curiosity.

Dave couldn't answer the question, for any response would be a dead giveaway. Instead he stands and coolly strides out of the room. Not knowing which way to turn on the endless choice of corners to turn, he at last picks the right, only to run into a smaller body.

"Ah fuck watch where you're- oh man John, sorry bro," Dave apologizes to John, whom had fallen to the floor and was rubbing his temple in an expression of pain.

John offers a toothy grin and chuckles nervously. He grips the hand Dave had offered him and pulls himself up with struggle. "I-it's okay Dave," he replies, and Dave didn't miss the heat that had risen upon Johns cheeks. Something else Dave noticed was how rapidly John had taken his hand away and that he stood at an uncomfortable distance from Dave. It was almost as if they'd grown apart. Could it be John knew of how Dave felt?

"John," Dave breaths and takes a step forward, John taking a step back. This moves into action until John is pressed against the walls of the dark hallway. Dave makes no move to free him either, instead keeping John's hands pinned at his side.

"Whats the matter with you lately?" Dave asks, with no intent of sounding harsh. "With us, we've grown distant. Are you reluctant on being my bro or something?" he expressed much to emotion than he intended through his words, but John didn't seem to take notice.

He averts is gaze to his chest, then the floor, doing what it takes to avoid Dave's intent stare. "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean for you to feel as if we are..."

"John, I wan't you to be honest with me. Look me in the eye," Dave demands and slowly removes his glasses. John had seen Dave's eyes before, but the vibrant crimson of then still stole John's breath and captured his attention, as it did now.

"Are you a homosexual?"

John's eyes flicker around Dave's face then shakes his head. Dave leans forward the slightest bit, the two's faces mere inches apart. John draws in a breath, having felt Dave's own upon his lips which were hovered just above the others. "Look me in the eye and tell me you're not a homosexual."

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