Darcy Carol

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Darkness surrounded me. It was all I could see. The permanent and repeated sound of my clock ticking haunted me as i lay in my far too warm and comfortable bed, staring into nothingness. It was the first day of school tomorrow, well for me anyway. I had moved from my hometown, the place I had been living since birth. I had never known anything new in Ellington way, I had always had the same friends, the same school, same family and the same memories. But now it had all changed. The deep and unhealing hole in my heart was new and it was scary, in a very un normal way new was new to me. I had never experienced the feeling of it before now and I am sixteen. For all those years that I had lived in Ellington way, a common feeling to many and most people had never entered my life and in a way that made me abnormal.

I haven't seen my family for three whole months and I am sure I am never going to see them again. The past three months has guranteed me that. Ever since my father and mother were taken away I have been left alone with nothing but social workers and foster carers, all nice people but they are not my mother or my father. After three hard months of finding me a permanent home, here I am in Whistle bay, a quiet and small town that is nothing at all like Ellington way.

I lay in my bed wondering what it was going to feel like to be a new student, I was scared, terrified, I did not want to be the new one. I did not want to be around new people, new teachers, new streets, new schools. Everything was new and it made me feel weaker than I had ever felt. I was as small as a newborn rat in this town and if I was going to be treated like one seemed to be the question that lingered in my mind for that night that was filled with so much terror. Sadly and too my great dismay the morning came quickly, that was the first fast night I had ever recalled most probably because it was the first time i had ever felt so afraid.

As I heard the alarm clock that was settled on my brand new closet begin to sing, my heart beat increased so much that I could feel it pounding against my chest. I clambered under my duvet, hiding from the outiside world and the day ahead that I knew had to come. Bunched up in a ball I heard the sound of my bedroom door open slowly as Marie entered my room. "Darcy, its time to get up." She said as she reached over to switch my alarm clock off, silencing it. She drew back my curtains, allowing the outside light to fill my room; confirming that the day had offically arrived. I sighed deeply as Marie reached over to my duvet and stripped it off of me, still bunched up in my ball I felt her sit down beside my shaking figure and take in what her eyes could now see.

"I know this must be scary for you Darcy, but this is a new fresh start for you and you should embrace it greatly. Not many people get this sort of chance." Marie whispered as she began to pat my back in a sympethetic way. Instantly I shot back to the edge of my bed, staring at Marie with a look of pure anger. 

"I will not embrace the fact that my parents are gone." I replied harshly as it was now Maries turn to sigh. We sat there in awkward silence for a few minutes before she stood up, a sad frown covering her face.

 "You have ten minutes to get ready, five if you want to have breakfast. Ryan and I will meet you downstairs and then I will drive you to school." and with that she left the room, closing the door behind her.

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