The first day

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It seemed to take me all of ten minutes to change, pack my bag and very slowly walk down the stairs with a look of gloom plastered onto my face. Waiting by the door as promised stood Ryan and Marie. Ryan was the typical teenage boy, sandy blonde hair swept across his face making his light blue eyes pop out, the only feature that you would really notice if you were not looking closely. He was very tall and strong, exercise being his hobby so that all the girls would fall at his feet. That was what I had thought of him at first, however I still had a lot to learn about him.

Marie looked exactly like him. If they were walking down the street together you would instantly guess that they were related in some sort of way. She was a tall women, very beautiful in a very natural way. Her blonde hair was cut into a thick, dead straight bob, carving her face perfectly so that she looked half her age. She was not too slim but not overweight; showing that she was not one of those women who are obsessed with staying skinny and not eating any calories but she still ate healthily and did her regular exercise.

So that left me completely out of place. In this new 'family' I didn't feel like I belonged nor did I look like I belonged. With my light brown hair just passing my shoulders and a cut fringe I looked the complete opposite of these two people. However it was not just the hair, my olive coloured skin and large green eyes showed that I had been born into a different family. The small height I owned also gave me away. So no, if you saw me walking down the street with Ryan and Marie you would most certainly not think that I was a part of their family.

As I walked down the stairs I noticed Ryan was staring intently at his phone, that had been all he had been doing since I arrived, I hardly knew him and that was one of the reasons why I felt living in his house was a little too awkward. Marie had been staring at the floor before she heard me walking down the stairs. She nodded her head slightly as she began to speak. "You don't want breakfast then?" She asked slightly curious. I shook my head slightly as I reached the door. Taking a long sigh Marie opened up the leather bag she was carrying and took out a large red apple.

"Take this just in case." She said handing it to me. I was about to protest but then Ryan cut in, shoving his phone into his pocket.

"Can we just go!" He mumbled in an annoyed voice, "I need to meet up with Bells before school starts, I can't be late." He then opened up the front door and stomped outside, waiting by the car. I took the apple abruptly and placed it into my school bag. Marie smiled slightly and then slowly begin to follow her son.

* * * *

"Right so Ryan, remember what I said okay? Its Darcy's first day and you remember what year 7 was like for you! So look after her!" Marie instructed strictly as her son continued to slump down in his chair, sighing as he did so. I looked uncomfortably at my hands as I tried to block out the conversation. I really didn't want to annoy or hassle Ryan but it would have been nice if he had been a little bit more understanding, I didn't really like the idea of wandering around a large school by myself.

Too soon the car stopped and my door was being opened. As I exited the car and stood up I took a very deep breath taking in the sight of my new school. I was completely shocked. It was massive! I know lived in a small town so I had expected the school to be tiny, like one of those private schools that is really posh and built out of oak wood. However this was completely the opposite. The building had the colour theme of white and red, made out of bricks and plastic I stared at the building, mouth open wide. It looked like a high school that you would see in America and I managed a small laugh as High School Musical flashed through my mind.

Marie aproached my chuckling slightly. "Not what you were expecting huh?" She asked raising her eyebrows.

"No, not at all." I muttered, still staring wide eyed.

"Don't worry Darcy, I am positve it will go fine. Ryan will look after you...RYAN!" She screamed as she caught her son wondering off towards the school. He turned around cursing to himself, beginning to walk slowly back to me he shot his mother a glare. "You promised." She stated.

"Yes, yes... I know already. Lets go." He said angrily as he grabbed my arm and began to pull me towards the school. I looked back at Marie, worry covering my face. She just smiled at me lightly, putting her thumbs up before getting back into the car and driving off.

I edged away from Ryan as his grib loosened before he let go off me completely. I looked at my feet whilst we walked to school, awkward silence filling the atmosphere. I knew he didn't want to be with me just as much as I didn't want to be with him. Before we reached the door of the huge building, I turned to face Ryan, sighing softly.

'Look, I know I'm a pain and I'm really sorry if I am annoying you...but I have never had to experience this sort of new before and I don't really know what I'm supposed to do." I stated as I ran my hands through my hair, looking at Ryan with a stressed expression. For a few moments he just stared at me, shocked that I had talked to him in the first place.

After waiting for a few minutes he began to walk again, calling behind him "I'll take you to reception. You can figure out the rest by yourself." I looked back down at the floor as I started to follow him, somehow I knew he was going to answer like that. He didn't seem to like me and I didn't know why yet. As I entered the building I felt a few eyes lay on me, making me fell uncomfortable immediately. Walking faster I caught up with Ryan and tried not to look anyone in the eye. I really didn't like being new.

Soon we arrived at a small desk with two smart old ladies sitting behind it reading a bunch of papers. Ryan coughed as we stood their, the ladies didn't seem to notice our presence until Ryan coughed a second time causing one of them to look up. "Oh Ryan dear, how can I help you?" she asked in a happy voice as she began to smile a big toothy grin. Ryan took one look at me and the lady seemed to realise straight away. "Oh of course, hello you must be Darcy." the old lady said standing up out of her seat and walking slowly towards me. "I'm Mrs Ellen, it's lovely to meet you."

I shook her hand before replying in a quite voice "and you." She chuckled before reaching over to the papers she had been reading and handing them over to me. "Everything you need is in there, your time table and what not." She chuckled once more before turning around and returning to her sitting space behind the desk, completely forgetting about me once more.

I looked to Ryan who I knew really wanted to leave. I opened my mouth to speak but before I had the chance to a sudden huge squeal erupted from the other end of the hallway. A very stunning and slim blonde girl was running down the hall towards us, Ryan turned around and his face lit up instantly, a huge smile replacing his drown. Soon enough they were embracing each other tightly as she giggled full of joy and happieness.

"I missed you Ry" The blonde stated before pecking him on the lips.

"I missed you too Bells." He replied, grinning widely. Suddenly Bells gasped as she saw me over Ryan shoulder. She let go of him immediately and slowly walked over to me, flashing her pearly white smile.

"Oh my gosh, Ry! Is this her? Is this Darcy?!" She squealed as she came closer to where I was standing. Ryan moaned as he nodded his head, clearly frustrated that I had ruined that little moment. However Bells didn't seem to notice as she reached me smiling so widely I wouldn't have been surprised if her jaw had broken. "Hi! I'm Bella

but everyone calls me Bells. I'm so excited to finally met you, I've been waiting for ages! You're so gorgeous!" She squeaked as she stood in front of me, so close that I could smell her strong perfume.

I laughed slightly and put my hand out, "Um thanks, nice to meet you and uh... you too." I replied not really sure what to say. She giggled obviously pleased at my reply, ignoring my hand that was waiting to be shakes she pulled me into a hug where I stood very awkwardly not knowing what to do.

"So, you are hanging out with us today. Aren't you?" Bells asked looking at me, she then turned her head towards Ryan, "Isn't she?" Ryan did not look happy but before he could reply with a 'no' Bells began to talk again "I'll take that as a yes because we are practically sisters in law!" She giggled smiling at me. I smiled a bit taken aback that she had already thought of that. "Come

on now! let's introduce you to the others!"

And with that I was pulled away by Bells with a grumpy Ryan stomping behind.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2014 ⏰

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