My Power Over You

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Hey guys, I want to say thank you for getting this book to 800 reads!! You guys are absolutely amazing. I hope you guys enjoy and keep reading and voting, I love y'all!! 

Christine's POV 

"Angel, wake up," Erik's voice says, calling me from my sleep. I open my eyes to see him standing beside the bed standing with an amused look on his face. " What did I do," I ask now nervous. " Nothing darling," he says and walks over to the door. 

" Fix your hair angel we've almost reached the dock," he says. I quickly run my hands through my hair and fix my dress and follow him. We reach the dock and Erik and I quickly get off, before the other passengers. 

" I say we make a run for it and not answer their questions," he says, " we already had an interview with one." I nod my head, " You had me at not answering their questions." 

Before he could reply, a mob of reporters surrounds us. They start shouting out questions and I try to ignore the pain in my ear. " Excuse us gentlemen my wife and I have to go, bother some other people with you obnoxious questions." 

The crowd moves along and I can hear a few mutters of curse words coming from some men. Erik's hand grabs mine as he pulls me to the nearest carriage. 

" Where to?" 

Erik gives him the address to our old house and the carriage begins to move. I look out the carriage windows and gently sigh thinking of all of the old memories. " Lost in thoughts angel," Erik's voice breaks me out of my thoughts. " We've had many memories here," I say, " Gustave, Aria, and we were married here," I say. 

" The best decision I've ever made," he say gently kissing my cheek. I contently curl myself up next to him as the rest of the ride goes by. 

" We're here." 

The driver opens the door and Erik gets out, grabbing the suitcases. He gently helps me out of the carriage. I turn around and look at the beauiful house were I raised Aria. " Just as lovely ask before," I say. 

Erik opens the door and I smile thinking of all of the beautiful memories flooding through my mind. " Come on darling," he says, leading me upstairs. 

The doors to our room open and I remember the time I found out I was pregnant with the twins. 

I threw up again and the smell of the eggs that I was cooking for Gustave. " Mother, mother, shall I call the doctor," Gustave asks. " Yes, please," I say. I wipe off my face and stand in the mirror. I look at my stomach and gently rub it. I turn sideways and my heart drops. 

I could see a small bump and I realized what was happening, I was pregnant again. But it had only been a month. 

' Could it be with twins?' 

Before I could continue thinking, I hear a knock at the door and I look up to see the doctor. " Good morning Mrs. Destler, your son told me you were vomiting, is this true?" I nod, " I also believe that I am pregnant, but I am showing as if I were three months along." He nods and begins to think, "  You may be pregnant with twins then." 

An hour later, he's finish examining me. " Mrs. Destler you are four weeks pregnant with twins." I nod and thank him. I sit down on the bed and hold my hands in my head. 

' How am I going to tell Erik.' 

" Christine," Erik says, " did you even hear what I just said?" I shake my head slightly, " Sorry, I was thinking about something," I say. " I was wondering if you wanted to eat out tonight or if you want to make something," he says. " Can we stay here," I ask. " Of course I'll go cook something, why don't you go relax." 

He leaves the room and I sit on the edge of the bed. I quickly turn on the bath and let myself sit in the tub, relaxing myself. 

No matter how hard I tried, the children kept reappearing into my mind. After minutes of trying to hold back any emotions, I began to cry. 

Suddenly the door swings open and Erik is standing there. " Angel, what's wrong," he says. " Hand me a towel Erik," I say, beginning to cover myself. He roll his eyes and hands me a towel and turns around. " You do realize I've seen everything," he says. 

" Trust me I know, I've carried five of your children," I say as I finish wrapping the towel around myself. I step out of the tub. He turns around and gently cups my face, " Christine," he whispers gently into my ear. 

His hand leads me into the bedroom and he locks the door as he steps over to the bed. I could feel  myself falling under his spell with every word he said. His lips graze gently across my neck as he sings softly to me. 

Sing once again with me
Our strange duet
My power over you
Grows stronger yet

And though you turn from me
To glance behind
The Phantom of the Opera
Is there inside your mind

I gently remove his mask and toss it halfway across the room. He smiles gently as he kisses me. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull myself closer to him. Slowly my hands start to remove his shirt and his hand grips a section of my hair. 

I feel the towel slowly slips off and I begin to cover myself. " Christine," Erik says slowly," you are beautiful." His hand gently grasp my waist and he brings me closer. Our lips reconnect and I feel the passion and the lust coursing through my veins. 

" I love you," he says, before laying me on the bed. " My sweet angel," I whispers before he quickly takes me. 

I lay softly on his chest, breathless and tired. " Sleep my Christine," he whispers. I nod and gently curl closer to him. 

But his voice filled my spirit with a strange, sweet sound

In the night, there was music in my mind

And through music my soul began to soar
And I heard as I'd never heard before

I start to gently fall sleep as I beging to trace his scar, " Beautiful," I whisper before kissing it and falling into a deep sleep. 

You alone can make my song take flight 

Help me make the music of the night 

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