Hayato Gokudera x Reader [Part 1]

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A/N: This is important, the plot was suggested by DoNotCallMeAngel and the details we're mine and other events that will occur at part 2
I don't own KHR
You were a new student in Namimori, let's just say you came from a rich family from Italy and you decided to live in Japan. Your father was a scientist who loves to experiment a lot, he doesn't have 'enough' time for you and your mother. On the other hand your mother was a doctor who is also busy, Your family rarely do a bonding together and you were the only child though that didn't effect your daily life, your still thankful that you can atleast talk to them.

You entered your car its more like a limbo, you checked yourself if you we're perfectly fine, you had your school uniform, books, notebooks and other stuffs your required to bring. As soon as you slighted the school you we're filled with excitement at the same time nervously. At your last school you had the most high reputation of all girls and your mother and father owned a company that is the most richest company in the whole Italy, so (L/n) family is kind of... Famous is if you say so....

As soon as you arrived at the gate thats where your personal driver dropped you off, he opened the door and you grabbed your bagpack and hook it in your shoulder. Murmurings where occuring while you we're walking in the halls but that wasn't something new for you, your already used to it, you had many suitors but nobody caught your eye. You headed to the principal office to talk about the rules and regulations about the school, he explained them one by one and you listen carefully after he was done discussing he was pleased that a (L/n) student came to his school. He was fine if you fail subjects and he will just let you get the most high grades get exempted if your absent and many more with considerations.

"Please treat me just like an ordinary student of yours" You smiled cheerfully and bowed, you left and went to your class 2-C (Where Tsuna and the others are)

As soon as you entered your classroom the room felt silence making every head turn unto you. Silence was taking over the atmosphere until your proffesor finally spoke.

"We will be having a new classmate this year" And that was your cue to get in front and introduce yourself, you could feel your heart beating so fast cause of the tension but you surpassed by looking straight ahead feeling confident. You heard commotions 3% is probably negative and 97% are positive.

"She looks really cute!"
"Who do you think she is?"
"She's an angel!"
"Her (H/c) hair totally matches her (E/c) Eyes!" (E/c= Eye color)
"Does she have a boyfriend?"
"If there's not, I would like to confess!"

"I'm (F/n) (L/n), Nice to meet you all, please take care of me" You introduced yourself and gave a pretty smile which made every guy in the classroom fall in love in you. Even Gokudera, Though some are even shocked that your a (L/n).

"Hmm well let's see.... You can sit beside Sawada" A round of disappointments we're heard while you went to Sawada and introduced yourself as well he did. You sat next to Sawada and your next to a silverish haired guy who was starring at you, you notices it and asked him

"Is there something wrong?" You asked in concern, he quickly averted his eyes and said "nothing" in reply. You introduced yourself with a bright smile on your face making the Italian boy blush lighty. You found out that Sawada and Gokudera we're friends and they known each other for quite a long time. Sawada invited you to eat lunch with him and Gokudera. You on the other hand didn't hesitate to say yes, well your excited that your first friends we're boys though that never happened once you always hang out with the same gender and they even call you their 'diva'

When lunch break came, you we're packing your stuffs in your backpack and then everyone in class approach you in your desk and asked you a lot of questions at the same time which made you confuse who to answer...

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