Chapter thirteen:

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The bell rang at exactly 2:26, like every day and I rushed out the door. The loud ass bell still rang in my ears as I walked towards the commons too meet with my friends. It was then October. It was getting cold outside, finally sweater weather, but it wasn't as cold as it was going to get later in the year. I walked past smelly ass kids pushing and shoving to get to their car or bus.

I mean, there are so real freaks here that scare me. Bad.


That girl just walked by and she had white colored contacts in. Who the hell wears that to school?

I should really just be home schooled.

Nah, I can't take that much time with my mom at one time.

All three of us: Mallory, Christina, and I, all arrived in the upper commons at the same exact time. Mallory came from English, Christina from US History, and I came from Public Speaking. All of our classes were around the same distance from where we meet up, the upper commons, before we all walked to the car together.

"Ready to go?" Mallory asked.

"You know," I said while looking at the bulletin board, "they have announcements every day and decorating for homecoming sounds fun."

"I think it's the first day that they're decorating after school," Mallory added.

"Yeah, my English teacher is in charge of it and she keeps on begging people to do it. I don't think that really any people help with it each year," Christina said.

"We should stay after and do it then," I said and we were all off to Christina's English teacher's class room.

We all sat near Christina's normal seat in the back of the room. There were only two other people in the room, not including Mrs. Howard, the teacher. All together there were six of us now including Mrs. Howard.

Not so surprisingly, the other two kids in the class were girls. The one didn't look familiar at all. She had long ombre hair with soft curls, but she didn't have the ombre hair you would expect. Her hair was a dark navy blue and faded down into a light slightly greenish blue. She also had dark and deep blue eyes to match. She also had multiple piercings on her ear and one on her nose. All in all, she pulled it off quite well, something I could never do.

The other girl I had seen before. I knew that she was a senior and that was it. She had short, shoulder length curly blond hair that had a little pink in it and she had light green eyes.

Everyone then walked down together to the gym so we could discuss ideas for decorations for this year's theme, under the city lights. The teacher then handed us cords of lights and then we were supposed to make sure they work and replace light bulbs if we needed to. Mallory and Christina went off and worked together. The girl with the blur hair worked with the teacher, so I walked up to the senior girl.

"Umm, hiya. I'm Audrey Emerson," I stuck my hand out.

"Hi, I'm Gwen Lawler," she answered.

"Do you want to work together on this?" I asked.

"Sure," she replied.

"So... do you have a date to homecoming?" I asked trying to start a conversation after a few minutes of awkward silence.

"Umm, no," she said as she looked up at me, "I'm going with my friend Georgia and her cousin Elodie."

"Elodie Wyatt?" I asked looking back at her.

"Yeah," she looked back down.

"Oh, she's in my grade. I know her."

"Yeah last year in the beginning of April I broke up with my boyfriend, he was a senior then and a freshman in college now. I didn't want to deal with a stupid long distant relationship, so I ended it before he graduated."

"Really?" I became intrigued, "How are you doing now?"

"Well, I was sad at first, but I'm really happy. Long distance sucks!"

"Wow," I gulped and went back down to working.

At first, I was so excited that I had something in common with this senior; we both faced a long distance relationship, but could they really be all that similar? Could a long distance relationship really be this bad? I mean I've been doing it for a few months and, I'm not going to lie, it's sucked, but is it so bad that I should break up with Jeremy?

The next chapter is really cute, so don't miss it.

This was totally my homecoming theme and that's why I picked it.

I know it's getting pretty shitty right now, but stay with me.

Sorry that I didn't realize that it was more than a week since I had updated.

I love you.

Thanks for reading.

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